Newsletter No. 465

465 • 19.10.2015 1 465 19 • 10 • 2015 編見 近期一部熱門電影《見習冇限耆》,在不少同事間引起熱烈討論。電影帶出兩個正面信息: 一是就算已屆垂暮之年,太陽底下新鮮事物還是多得很;二是新丁向老手請教的地方也 還很多。 電影橋段是退休行政人員遇上躁狂的網路新星,古老碰上時興。傳統與現代的磨合,對 中大來說並不陌生。離校園不算太遠大埔某處,一座七十六米高的觀音像,以恆古睿智寬 懷垂視今日眾生。何培斌教授為我們講解慈山寺如何在佛教藝術中注入現代感性。 社會人口迅速老化,耆英也當見習。今期還有老人科專家胡令芳教授(右圖),為讀者解開 一些老年人的誤解,教你準備迎接老之將至,以及談談她的團隊令香港變得更適合長者 生活的努力。 《見習冇限耆》開頭,神情寡落的男主角在公園耍太極。影片結尾,他的女上司也加入這 種注重陰陽變化的古老體藝,男主角人也自在多了。究竟誰是師傅?誰是學徒? Editorially Speaking The Intern has generated quite some enthusiasm on campus, especially among the administrative ranks. The film conveys two positive messages: first, there are new things to learn even in one’s twilight years; second, veterans do have a lot to teach those in active service. The plot is an old-school executive meets a high-power online entrepreneur. The meeting of tradition and modernity is never far from the institutional identity of our University. A new landmark in Tai Po where the sight of a contemplative 76-metre tall Guanyin commands the viewer to do the same is not far, either. In this issue, Prof. Ho Puay- peng talks about how the Tsz Shan Monastery re-interprets traditional Buddhist art for a modern sentimentality. Our rapidly ageing demographics will give new meanings to many old usages. Talking tête-à-tête to the Newsletter is Prof. Jean Woo ( right ), an expert in gerontological medicine. She will clarify a few myths about old age, give some tips about how to prepare for it, and what her team is doing to make Hong Kong an age-friendly city. In the opening scene of The Intern , a leaden Ben Whittaker practises what appears to be tai chi in the park. At the film’s end, Jules Ostin joins a much composed Ben in this traditional Chinese calisthenics of the yin and the yang. By now, who’s the master; who’s the apprentice? 目錄 CONTENTS 2 特寫 Feature 何培斌談慈山寺的靈性、古代性 和現代性  Ho Puay-peng on Tsz Shan Monastery—Spirituality, Antiquity and Modernity 4 . . . 校園消息 Campus News 6 字裏高科 Tech Talks 6 寶健保健 Wealth In Health 7 到任同仁 Newly Onboard 8 口談實錄 Viva Voce Photo by ISO staff 月滿漢園 Full-moon at VC’s Lodge 沈祖堯校長(中)和中大職員協會古箏合奏團於漢園準備豐富節目,與校友共度中秋。(頁4) Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung (centre), Vice-Chancellor, and the Gu Zheng team of the CUHK Staff Association, preparing for their Mid-Autumn performance for alumni at the Vice-Chancellor’s Lodge (p. 4) 老化真的與你無關? (頁8) Ageing is their problem, not mine. Really? ( p. 8 )