====== CMSC5733 Social Computing ======
[ [[:teaching:csci5733:discussions:2015|Discussion Forum]] | [[:teaching:csci5733:blogs:2015|Blogs]] ]
==== Breaking News ====
** 1. ** **December 2, 2015**. You finish the report following the {{:teaching:cmsc5733:report_specification.pdf|report specification}}. \\
** 2. ** **December 1, 2015**. Please send the grading excel sheet to cuhk.cmsc5733@gmail.com. The deadline of submitting final report is 14/12/2015. \\
** 3. ** **November 27, 2015**. Each student is required to peer review other students' project presentation. You had better take your computer, ipad, or other tools supporting instant grading. You can download the {{:teaching:cmsc5733:peerreviewspecification.pdf|grading specification}}. \\
** 4. ** **November 26, 2015**. You could use the following template in your final report. {{:teaching:cmsc5733:report_template.doc|}}\\
** 5. ** **November 16, 2015**. You could check your HW3 and midterm scores from the following list. If you have any problem, please contact to the tutor. Score list (updated): {{:teaching:cmsc5733:hw3_midterm_score_v1.pdf|HW3&MidtermScore.pdf}}. \\
** 6. ** **November 15, 2015**. The venue of class on Nov. 16, 2015 (Monday) is in AIT_G02 (An Integrated Teaching Building), CUHK. \\
** 7. ** **November 11, 2015**. Presentation schedule is open. You can sign-up to choose a time slot for your group presentation. Each group has 15 minutes. We may give a bit more time for groups with more than 1 member and groups with system demo. And we also leave some time for course evaluation and possible delays. So there is a gap between two sessions. \\
** 8. ** **November 8, 2015**. Sorry for that there are typos in computing pagerank in HW3 solution. It is updated now. Please use the new version. \\
** 9. ** **November 6, 2015**. In order to reduce your calculation time, we allow you to use calculators in the exam. But only the calculators listed in the following are allowed. We will check your calculator on the exam day. Please do not use disallowed calculators. Thanks. ** Remind:** We will also provide a look-up table for you. So the calculator is not necessary. \\ Calculator list:{{:teaching:cmsc5733:calculator_list_eng.pdf|}} \\
** 10. ** **November 4, 2015**. There is no lecture next week. We will take midterm exam on next Monday. The time and venue are the same as usual.
**Kind remind** Time: 7:00-10:00pm, 09/11/2015, Venue: HKPC108. \\
** 11. ** **October 26, 2015**. Project midterm check specification is uploaded.\\
** 12. ** **October 25, 2015**. You are allowed to write your homework manually and submit the scanned file. \\
** 13. ** **October 21, 2015**. We add extra question for HW3. Please download the new version. **Notes:** Extra question helps you to get higher scores. It is not hard. Please try it. \\
** 14. ** **October 19, 2015**. You can check your HW1 and HW2 scores from the following file. If you have any problem, please contact the tutor.
Score file: {{:teaching:cmsc5733:hw1_2_score.pdf|}}. \\
** 15. ** **October 17, 2015**. There is a typo in previous HW3.pdf. Please download the new version.\\
** 16. ** **October 15, 2015**.To leave you more time to finish the project, we have sent the proposal feedback today. So there is no feedback on Oct. 19, 2015. **Re-inform:** project mid-term check is on Nov. 2, 2015. \\
**Grading criteria:** Each proposal is graded according to the four factors listed in the feedback, ranging from 1 to 5. The full mark is not a simple average of the four factors. If you do really good in some factors, you may still get full marks. So some proposals may not get full marks in each factor, but they finally get full marks. Thanks. \\
** 17. ** **October 14, 2015**. Project mid-term check is changed to Nov. 2, 2015. \\
** 18. ** **October 7, 2015**. Tutorial is updated. Data source page is added. \\
** 19. ** **October 6, 2015**. Group information is updated. All students are included. \\
** 20. ** **October 6, 2015**. Students in the following list have not successfully handed in the homework 2 solution. Please resend it if you sent to the wrong email. You'd better give evidence that you really sent before the deadline. \\
** 21. ** **October 6, 2015**. Group information is updated. If you are not included, please send an email to the tutor. \\
** 22. ** **September 28, 2015**. Project specification and proposal template are uploaded. \\
** 23. ** **September 24, 2015**. Please follow the definition in the lecture (L=C-D) to compute the Laplacian matrix in homework 2. \\
** 24. ** **September 20, 2015**. Please check the following list that contains all students, from whom the tutor has received the homework 1 solutions. If you have handed in the homework but not in the list, please contact the tutor.
Student id list: {{:teaching:cmsc5733:hw1_list.pdf|hw1_list.pdf}} \\
** 25. ****September 14, 2015**. Please join the LinkedIn group ASAP. It will be shut down this Friday (18/09/2015). \\
** 26. ** **September 12, 2015**. The first homework is open now. \\
==== Extra Credit Assignments ====
===== 2015-16 Term 1 =====
| ^ Lecture I ^
^ Time | Monday, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm |
^ Venue | HKPC 108 |
The Golden Rule of CMSC5733: No member of the CMSC5733 community shall take unfair advantage of any other member of the CMSC5733 community.
====== Course Description ======
This course introduces fundamental as well as applied computational techniques for collaborative and collective intelligence of group behaviours on the Internet. The course topics include, but are not limited to: web intelligence, web data mining, knowledge discovery on the web, web analytics, web information retrieval, learning to rank, ranking algorithms, relevance feedback, collaborative filtering, recommender systems, human/social computation, social games, opinion mining, sentiment analysis, models and theories about social networks, large graph and link-based algorithms, social marketing, monetization of the web, security/privacy issues related to web intelligence and social computing, etc.
===== Learning Objectives =====
===== Learning Outcomes =====
Students will be able to:
- provide an overview of recent developments in social computing;
- explain various theories and models in social computing;
- design and implement simple systems to process social data
===== Learning Activities =====
- Lectures
- Tutorials (hands-on)
- Web resources
- Videos
- Quizzes
- Examinations
- Project presentations
===== Expectations =====
* [[:teaching:student_and_faculty_expectations_on_teaching_and_learning|Expectations]]
====== Personnel ======
| ^ Lecturer ^ Tutor ^
^ Name | [[:home|Irwin King]] | Shenglin Zhao |
^ Email | king@cse.cuhk.edu.hk | slzhao@cse.cuhk.edu.hk |
^ Office | Rm 908 | Rm 1024 |
^ Telephone | 3943 8398 | 59832723 |
^ Office Hour(s) | * M8, Monday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm\\ \\ * T8, Tuesday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm |* M8, Monday 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm |
Note: This class will be taught in English. Homework assignments and examinations will be conducted in English.
====== Syllabus ======
The pdf files are created in Acrobat 6.0. Please obtain the correct version of the [[http://www.adobe.com/prodindex/acrobat/readstep.html#reader | Acrobat Reader]] from Adobe.
^ Week ^ Date ^ Topics ^ Tutorials ^ Homework & Events ^ Resources ^
| 1 | 07/9 | Introductions\\ \\ [[http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-01-Introduction-2015.pdf|Introduction.pdf]] | | | |
| 2 | 14/9 | Graphs \\ \\ 1. {{http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-Graphs-01.pdf|Graphs-01.pdf}}\\ 2. {{http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-Graphs-02.pdf|Graphs-02.pdf}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:tutorial_i_python_web_crawling_2015.pdf|Python Basics and Crawler}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:cmsc5733_hw_1.pdf| HW1 }} | |
| 3 | 21/9 | Social Network Theory | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:tutorial_2-networkx_and_graphviz.pdf|NetworkX and Graphviz}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:hw_2.pdf| HW2}} \\ Upload: Sep. 24, 2015 \\ Deadline: Oct. 2, 2015 | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:code4tutorial2.rar|}} |
| 4 | 28/9 | Holiday | | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:projectspecification.pdf|ProjectSpecification.pdf}} \\ {{:teaching:cmsc5733:cmsc5733_proposal_template_v1.0.doc| proposal_template.doc}} \\ Upload: Sep. 28, 2015 \\ Deadline: Oct. 9, 2015 | |
| 5 | 05/10 | Types of Networks\\ \\ {{http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-03-Networks.pdf|Networks.pdf}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:tutorial_introduction2project.pdf|Introduction2Project}} | Tutorial updated: \\ Oct. 7, 2015 | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:survey_baojie.pdf|}} |
| 6 | 12/10 | Graph Mining and Link Analysis\\ \\ {{http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-04-GraphMining and Link Analysis.pdf|Graph Mining and Link Analysis.pdf}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:tutorialhw2solution.pdf|HW2_Solution}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:hw_3_extra.pdf|HW3.pdf}} \\ Upload: Oct. 16, 2015 \\ Update: Oct. 21, 2015 \\ Deadline: Oct. 26, 2015 | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:code_tutorial4.rar|}} |
| 7 | 19/10 | Recommender System I\\ \\ {{http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-05-Recommender System.pdf|Recommender System-1.pdf}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:tutorial_linkanalysisgraphclustering.pdf|LinkAnalysis&GraphClustering}} | | |
| 8 | 26/10 | Recommender System II\\ Human Computation and Crowdsourcing\\ \\ {{http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-06-Recommender System.pdf|Recommender System-2.pdf}}\\ {{http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-07-Human Computation and Crowdsourcing.pdf|Human Computation and Crowdsourcing.pdf}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:tutorial_recsys_nlp_more.pdf|Recsys&NLP_Tool }} | | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:archive.zip|code4tutorial}} |
| 9 | 02/11 | Review and Midterm Progress Report | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:tutorial_hw3_solution.pdf|HW3_solution}} | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:midtermcheckspecification.pdf|}} \\ Upload: Oct. 26, 2015 | {{:teaching:cmsc5733:code4t7.zip|}} |
| 10 | 09/11 | Midterm Examination | | Date: 7:00-10:00 pm \\ Venue: HKPC108 | |
| 11 | 16/11 | Crowdsourcing & Game Theory\\ \\ {{http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~king/PUB/CMSC5733/2015/CMSC5733-08-Game Theory.pdf|Game Theory.pdf}} | | Venue: AIT_G02, CUHK | |
| 12 | 23/11 | No class | | | |
| 13 | 30/11 | Project Presentations | | Venue: SHB121, CUHK \\ {{:teaching:cmsc5733:peerreviewspecification.pdf|}} \\ {{:teaching:cmsc5733:grading_specification.pdf|}} \\ {{:teaching:cmsc5733:presentation_grading.xlsx|}} | |
* Web 2.0
* Ajax, CSS,
* Social Media
* blogs, microblogs, wikis, mashup,
====== Class Project ======
===== Group Information =====
^ group id ^ group member ^
| 1 | Li Yae, Wen Weiwei, Gao Chao |
| 2 | Yao Fangjie, Cheng Ruobing, Zhang Yu |
| 3 | ZHU Mingjie, SHEN Qinyi, ZHU Xuan, YANG Yang |
| 4 | Leung Chun Man, Tsang Man Kin |
| 5 | Luo Linhua, Feng Chen |
| 6 | ZHAO Jialiang, WU Di, ZHANG Feng |
| 7 | Tang Yuen Ting, Ho lik hang, Lam Sing |
| 8 | Xie Tianlei, Liu Hanbo |
| 10 | TSOI Yao Tak Alphred, Chang Ho Kit, Cheng Ka Chi Cyrus |
| 11 | Lui Man Hong, Yip Chun Ho |
| 12 | Chung Ho Pun, Lam Wai Yue, Wan Chi Yik |
| 13 | Man Kwok Wing |
| 14 | NG Tsz Ming |
| 15 | Ip, Wai Han |
| 16 | WONG Yan-ho Michael |
| 17 | HUANG Jiahao, FAN Zeng |
| 18 | Zhong Zhiqiang, Sun Qijia |
===== Class Project Presentation Schedule =====
===== Class Project Presentation Sign-up Sheet =====
* The ** time** slots are for Monday, November 30, 2015 (5 pm - 11 pm).
* The **venue** is SHB121.
* Please enter all team members' name in one slot in either Session 1 or Session 2 table.
* Instructions
- Put the name of all your team members under the "Real name" column.
- Select one slot from either the Session 1 or Session 2 table.
- Press "Submit".
- Make sure it does not conflict with others.
^ 17:00 ^ 17:15 ^ 17:30 ^ 17:45 ^ 18:00 ^ 18:15 ^ 18:30 ^ 18:45 ^ 19:00 ^ 19:15 ^
^ 20:00 ^ 20:15 ^ 20:30 ^ 20:45 ^ 21:00 ^ 21:15 ^ 21:30 ^ 21:45 ^ 22:00 ^ 22:15 ^
===== Class Project Presentation Requirements=====
* For groups implementing graphical algorithms, you should explain one algorithm as detailed as you can in the presentation. You should give an example with the structure of nodes, values, and your calculations. You also need to analyze the complexity of your algorithms and test whether your algorithms can be applied in large graphs. For other groups, you should focus on three aspects including the motivation of your idea, the detailed algorithms, and the justification of your methods comparing to naive methods through experiments.
===== Class Project Final Submission=====
====== Examination Matters ======
===== Examination Schedule =====
| ^ Time ^ Venue ^ Notes ^
^ Midterm Examination\\ | 9/11 | HKPC108 | TBA |
^ Final Presentation | 30/11 | SHB121 | TBA |
* [[http://rgsntl.rgs.cuhk.edu.hk/rws_prd_life/main1.asp|CUHK Registration and Examination]]
===== Written Midterm Matters =====
- The midterm will test your knowledge of the materials.
- Answer all questions using the answer booklet. There will be more available at the venue if needed.
- Write legibly. Anything we cannot decipher will be considered incorrect.
- One A4-sized cheat-sheet page.
====== Grade Assessment Scheme ======
^ Homework\\ Assignments ^ Project Report ^ Project Presentation ^ Final Examination ^
| TBA | TBA | TBA | TBA |
-Assignments (20%)
-Written assignments
-Optional quizzes
-Midterm Examination (30%)
- Project (50%)
- Report (30%)
- Presentations (20%)
-Extra Credit (There is no penalty for not doing the extra credit problems. Extra credit will only help you in borderline cases.)
====== Required Background ======
- Pre-requisites
-- CSC 1110 or 1130 or its equivalent. (Not for students who have taken CSC 2520).
====== Reference Books ======
====== FAQ ======
- **Q: What is departmental guideline for plagiarism?**\\ A: If a student is found plagiarizing, his/her case will be reported to the Department Discipline Committee. If the case is proven after deliberation, the student will automatically fail the course in which he/she committed plagiarism. The definition of plagiarism includes copying of the whole or parts of written assignments, programming exercises, reports, quiz papers, mid-term examinations. The penalty will apply to both the one who copies the work and the one whose work is being copied, unless the latter can prove his/her work has been copied unwittingly. Furthermore, inclusion of others' works or results without citation in assignments and reports is also regarded as plagiarism with similar penalty to the offender. A student caught plagiarizing during tests or examinations will be reported to the Faculty Office and appropriate disciplinary authorities for further action, in addition to failing the course.
====== Resources ======
-[[http://pajek.imfm.si/doku.php|Pajek, a network analysis and visualization program.]]
-[[http://vlado.fmf.uni-lj.si/pub/networks/data/default.htm|Package for Large Network Analysis]]
-[[http://www.analytictech.com/downloaduc6.htm|UCINET 6]]
===== Social Networks-Theory Graph Theory =====
* http://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/neville/courses/aaai08-tutorial.html \\
* http://cs.stanford.edu/people/jure/icml09networks/ \\
* http://www.ofcom.org.uk/advice/media_literacy/medlitpub/medlitpubrss/socialnetworking/report.pdf \\
===== Graph Mining =====
* http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~deepay/mywww/papers/csur06.pdf \\
* http://cs.stanford.edu/people/jure/talks/www08tutorial/ \\
* http://www.xifengyan.net/tutorial/KDD08_graph_partI.pdf \\
* http://www.xifengyan.net/tutorial/KDD08_graph_partII.pdf
===== Link Analysis=====
* http://analytics.ijs.si/events/Tutorial-TextMiningLinkAnalysis-KDD2007-SanJose-Aug2007/ \\
* http://www.sigkdd.org/explorations/issues/7-2-2005-12/1-Getoor.pdf \\
* http://www.ncjrs.gov/pdffiles1/nij/grants/219552.pdf \\
* http://delab.csd.auth.gr/~dimitris/papers/ENVO07LARskm.pdf
===== Learning to Rank=====
* http://www2009.org/pdf/T7A-LEARNING%20TO%20RANK%20TUTORIAL.pdf\\
* http://radlinski.org/papers/LearningToRank_NESCAI08.pdf\\
* http://www.aclweb.org/anthology/P/P09/P09-5005.pdf\\
* http://www.cse.iitb.ac.in/~soumen/doc/www2007/TutorialSlides.pdf
===== Recommender Systems=====
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Recommender_system
* http://goo.gl/nNiGRP
* http://www.computer.org/portal/web/csdl/doi/10.1109/TKDE.2005.99
* http://www.springerlink.com/content/n881136032u8k111/
* http://www.csd.abdn.ac.uk/~jmasthof/Publications/WPRSIUI07.pdf
===== Q & A =====
* http://lml.bas.bg/ranlp2005/tutorials/magnini.ppt \\
* http://tcc.itc.it/research/textec/topics/question-answering/Tut-Prager.ppt \\
* http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Question_answering \\
* http://trec.nist.gov/pubs/trec9/papers/webclopedia.pdf \\
* http://goo.gl/4YFCzz \\
* http://www.umiacs.umd.edu/~jimmylin/publications/Lin_Katz_EACL2003_tutorial.pdf \\
* http://answers.yahoo.com/ \\
* http://zhidao.baidu.com/ \\
* http://wenda.tianya.cn/wenda/ \\
* http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/ \\
===== Human Computation/Social Games =====
* http://www.gwap.com/gwap/ \\
* http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~biglou/ \\
===== Opinion Mining/Sentiment Analysis =====
* http://www.cs.uic.edu/~liub/FBS/opinion-mining-sentiment-analysis.pdf \\
* http://www.cs.cornell.edu/home/llee/omsa/omsa-published.pdf \\
* http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~wcohen/10-802/sentiment-sep-4.ppt \\
===== Visualization =====
-[[http://manyeyes.alphaworks.ibm.com/manyeyes/|Many Eyes Visualization]]
===== Programming =====
-[[http://youtu.be/G-K6Dg0x9Js|Python Programming Tutorial]]
-[[http://youtu.be/E7wB__M9fdw|Python Web Scraping Tutorial]]
-[[http://networkx.lanl.gov/|NetworkX, a Python package for complex networks]]
-[[http://www.wolfram.com/|Mathematica from Wolfram]]
-[[http://demonstrations.wolfram.com/|Wolfram Demonstrations]]