Newsletter No. 402

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . P2 「社會服務形式百花齊放,我們也 要確保畢業生可以靈活掌握。總 括一句:框架穩定,內容靈活。」 ‘Different organizations have launched a plethora of services and service models, and we have to ensure our graduates are in the know. Simply put, we have a stable framework with flexible content.’ P4 「中微子打開了一扇希望之 窗,讓我們研究標準模型沒 有涉及的領域。」 ‘The neutrinos provide a promising window for us to study where the standard model trails off.’ 我們的火車站 這簡樸的小車站,是1950年代的馬料水車站。早在中文大學成立之 前,三所創校書院之一的崇基學院已於馬料水建校辦學。圖中前排 握拐杖者,是崇基第二任校長凌道揚;而他身後的馬料水車站,在 1967年1月1日改稱大學站。 中大即將邁入金禧校慶,本刋撫今追昔,從光影紀錄中追溯大學 的人事嬗遞和校園滄桑。(見第8頁) Our Station The humble building in the photo is Ma Liu Shui Station in the 1950s. Before CUHK was founded in 1963, Chung Chi College, one of the three founding Colleges of the University, had already built its campus in Ma Liu Shui. The person with a cane in the front row is Dr. Lin Dao-yang, the second president of the College. Ma Liu Shui Station was renamed ‘University Station’ from 1 January 1967. As the University marches towards its golden jubilee, the CUHK Newsletter will visually compare its past with its present. (see p. 8) 第四零二期 二零一二年九月四日 No. 402 4 September 2012 P12 「電影、文學裏任何癲狂的 事物,只要跟人的心理健康 有關的,我都覺得有趣。」 ‘I was fascinated by anything to do with human psychology, including portrayals of madness in film and literature.’