Newsletter No. 330
No. 330, 4.1.2009 第三三零期 二零零九年一月四日 No. 330 4 January 2009 翻 譯系於1972年成立,是亞洲院校中最早成立的 翻譯系,初時只提供副修課程。學系漸次成長, 1984年開設亞洲首個翻譯文學碩士課程,再創下另一紀 錄。十年後,為回應大中華地區不斷增長的需要,學系增 設主修本科課程,2002年更率先創設全球首個電腦輔助 翻譯文學碩士課程,而翻譯哲學碩士和哲學博士課程亦分 別於1992及1995年開設。去年,翻譯系再獻新猷,與法律 學院合辦法學士—文學士(翻譯)及文學士—法律博士兩 項雙學位課程選擇。 翻譯學講座教授黃國彬教授去年接任系主任。他說:「香 港於中英翻譯學科首屈一指,而中大翻譯系因着雙語、多 文化背景,成就了其獨特的地位。在金聖華教授、陳善偉 教授和方梓勳教授等前系主任建立的穩固基礎下,系方會 緊隨大學策略計劃的願景,朝國際化方向發展。」他指出 學系提供文學與實務並重的課程,教授科目涵蓋商業、法 律和新聞翻譯等,有助學生擴闊翻譯範疇,並涉獵更多普 通常識。 學系錄取的學生,向為出類拔萃之輩。黃教授說:「翻譯 系是文學院中最多中六尖子選擇的學系之一,每年通過聯 招錄取的學生成績也甚佳。」近年,學系的研究院課程不 單吸引本地的高材生,更有為數不少的海外和內地學生報 讀,包括牛津、劍橋、清華和北京大學的畢業生。 傑出學生加上優質課程,學生的前景自然得到保證。翻譯 系學生不單兼擅雙語,更能遊走於兩者之間,從容自若。 此外,中文是世界最多人採用的第一語言,而英文則是最 古老的國際通用語。根據黃教授觀察,「翻譯系畢業生的 出路在文學院中是數一數二的,可以當翻譯員、傳譯員、新 聞工作者、編輯和教師,投身傳媒、商界和政府。據我加入 翻譯系三年以來所見,大部分學生甫畢業即找到工作。」 三十五載耕耘 翻譯系茁壯成長 Thirty-five Years and Going Strong The CUHK Department of Translation W hen the Department of Translation of the University was founded in 1972, it was the only institution of its kind in Asia. At the time, it only offered a minor programme in translation. The following years saw the steady expansion of the department. In 1984, it broke new ground again by offering Asia’s first Master of Arts Degree Programme in Translation. A decade later, in 1994, to meet the rising need for translation in the greater China region, the department launched a major programme in translation alongside the minor programme. In 2002, it blazed yet another trail by setting up the world’s first Master of Arts in Computer-aided Translation (MACAT). Two more programmes, an MPhil and a PhD, were launched in 1992 and 1995 respectively. Beginning last year, the department also offers joint LLB–BA and BA–JD programmes with the Faculty of Law. ‘Hong Kong is a world leader in Chinese–English translation and the Department of Translation at CUHK, being bilingual and multi-cultural, is unique. Building on the accomplishments of my predecessors, Prof. Serena Jin, Prof. Chan Sin-wai, and Prof. Gilbert Fong, we will strive to further internationalize, in line with the University’s vision of internationalization,’ said Prof. Laurence K.P. Wong, chairman of the department since 2007. The department’s curriculum features a healthy balance of literary and practical translation such as business, legal, and journalistic translation. This helps to expand students translation repertoire while drilling them in common knowledge. The department has been very successful in recruiting the best students. ‘We are one of the departments in the Faculty of Arts which admits the largest number of early-admission outstanding Secondary Six students. Our JUPAS recruitment results are equally outstanding,’ noted Prof. Wong. In recent years, the department’s postgraduate programmes have also attracted, besides excellent local students, the cream of the crop from the mainland, including the graduates of Cambridge, Stanford, Tsinghua and Peking. When excellent students enrol in excellent programmes, their prospects are naturally promising. Besides, translation students are equipped not only with a mastery of two languages, but the rare ability to move with ease between the two. What’s more, Chinese is the most popular first language in the world, while English is, of course, the lingua franca. Prof. Wong observes, ‘The prospects of our graduates are among the best in the Faculty of Arts. Our graduates can be translators, interpreters, journalists, editors and teachers. They can work in the media, in business, and in the civil service. In the three years since I joined CUHK, the majority of the students have found jobs almost immediately after graduation.’ 翻譯 2.0 Translation 2.0 翻 譯技術研究中心主任兼電腦輔助翻譯文學 碩士課程主任陳善偉教授指出:「翻譯系的 翻譯技術,無論於哪方面,均可稱為先驅。」 翻譯技術研究中心於2006年成立,標誌著翻譯教學 的重要發展。中心收納了有關電腦輔助翻譯的書籍和 文獻等資源,並負責檔案管理,旨在支援電腦輔助翻 譯文學碩士課程的教學,並矢志在不久的將來成為 香港及大中華地區的電腦輔助翻譯系統評估中心。 電腦輔助翻譯文學碩士課程涵蓋翻譯理論和方法、 電腦輔助翻譯系統的應用,以及特別範疇如新聞及 藝術的翻譯。學生可使用多媒體實驗室及藏有逾二 百套不同語言組合的電腦翻譯系統的軟件圖書館。 課程學生來自不同背景,有行政人員、翻譯人員、教 師、編輯,以及從事資訊科技的人員。由2007年起課 程開始招收內地全日制學生。 ‘T he Department of Translation is a pioneer in translation technology in more ways than one,’ said Prof. Chan Sin-wai, director of the Centre for Translation Technology and director of the Master of Arts in Computer-aided Translation (MACAT) Programme. Established in 2006, the Centre for Translation Technology was a ground-breaking development in translation teaching and research. Its main functions are to support the teaching of the MACAT Programme. This is done by creating resources such as books, and maintaining archives. The centre also strives to become an evaluation centre for CAT systems in Hong Kong and Greater China. The MACAT Programme covers translation theory and methodology, the use of CAT systems, as well as special areas of translation. Students have access to a multimedia laboratory and a software library that now has some 200 different translation systems for different language pairs. Students of the programme include administrators, translators, teachers, editors and IT people. Starting in 2007, the programme also admits full-time students from the mainland.
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