Newsletter No. 311

第 311 期 2008 年 1 月 19 日 No. 311 19 January 2008 第三一一期 二零零八年一月十九日 No. 311 19 January 2008 改變扶貧模式 中大生造福山區學子 CUHK Students Bring Hope to Children in Rural China 2005年,建築學系姜藝思同學參與該系吳恩融教授發起的「無止橋」計劃, 為甘肅省一條偏遠鄉村興建橋樑,這道橋不但給村民帶來渡河之便,更引領 她走上扶貧的路。 一年後,她夥拍同系的嚴英傑同學,牽頭為位於廣西貧困山區的紅鄧屯興 建新校舍。這個原屬他們碩士論文的項目,取名「瑤學行」。替小村落造 就脫貧的機會,也贏得第十屆挑戰杯特等獎。 In 2005, Kiang Ngai-sze Karen, a student of architecture at CUHK, took part in a project by Prof. Edward Ng in the Department of Architecture to build a bridge for a remote village in China. A year later, Karen initiated her own project on the mainland, jointly with classmate Yim Ying Kit Louis. The objective of the project ‘A School to Learn’ is to build new premises for Hongdeng Primary School in Hongdeng village, one of the poorest villages in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in South-western China. Not only did this final-year project of the Master of Architecture Programme at CUHK bring hope to students in the village, it also won a Special Award at the 10th Challenge Cup. 建 築學系碩士畢業生姜藝思憶述,參與無止橋 計劃後,認識了香港建造業研究學會創辦人 楊澍人博士。兩年前,楊博士計劃協助廣西少數民 族興建學校,姜藝思及嚴英傑遂隨他往廣西一行, 順道物色論文題目。 到了紅瑤族聚居的紅鄧屯,那裡綠樹青山,梯田層 疊,加上村民熱情款待,民風淳樸,使人流連忘 返。他們發現這個九百多人的村落,校舍非常破 舊,只能容納少數學生,其餘孩子每天要徒步到數 公里外的學校上課,沿途山路陡峭,險象環生。兩 人便向村長建議,協助當地建校。 該村傳統的房子全部用木搭建,以古法入榫,不費一 口釘或水泥,且為吊腳樓,能夠防洪,底層又可飼養家 禽。他們利用所學,通過實體模型研究當地榫卯建構 方式,再經過科學計算修正,設計出精簡而又具承重 力的木結構模式。由籌款、選址、設計、興建,到與內 地不同單位對口,事事親力親為。 嚴英傑稱:「新校舍的設計,要顧及該村的建築風 格,又要運用當地現有材料。 此外,還要選用簡單的興建方 法,不能倚靠機器,使村民易 於掌握。」姜藝思補充:「我們 更教村民搭建的方法,這樣, 他們將來可自行修葺或興建 新建築物,不會因校舍破舊而 荒廢了教育,真真正正踏上脫 貧之路。」這個「授人以魚,不 如授人以漁」的扶貧模式,以 其務實的理念,籌得達五十多 萬元的捐款。 兩人多次探訪該村,並在附近 遍尋木工師傅教授入榫模式, 將技術傳予村民;又四處張羅 可用作材料的磚瓦及比較造 價。在偏遠的地方籌建工程, 人生路不熟,挑戰重重,獲益卻不少,「這次計劃讓我們 把在建築學系所學的東西融會貫通,一一應用,不再是 紙上談兵。我們要兼顧理論、實用性、村民需要、環境因 素,以及現實限制,整個計劃經過 不斷修改,才慢慢有了雛型。」嚴 英傑說。 除了建校,他們也與本地其他 大學生結伴到紅鄧屯,教授孩 童衞生常識。去年年底已畢業 的姜藝思及嚴英傑,仍會繼續 「瑤學行」的計劃,預計校舍於今 年暑假落成。 K aren, a graduating Master’s student in architecture, had made the acquaintance of Dr. Nicolas Yeung, founder of the Construction Industry Institute–Hong Kong, through Prof. Edward Ng’s project. Dr. Yeung had wanted to build a school for the Hong Yao ethnic minority in Guangxi Province, so Karen and Louis accompanied him to Hongdeng village, home to more than 900 Hong Yao people, for a visit. Karen and Louis were stunned by the magnificence of the landscape, the terraced fields, and the villagers’ hospitality. The village school, however, was dilapidated and could only accommodate very few students. Many children had to hike several hours daily along rugged mountain paths to another school miles away. Karen and Louis therefore proposed to the village head to build a new school. The traditional houses in the village are made of wood and raised on stilts to keep them safe (續下頁 To be continued )