Newsletter No. 307
第 307 期 2007 年 11 月 19 日 No. 307 19 November 2007 第三零七期 二零零七年十一月十九日 No. 307 19 November 2007 香 港特別行政區財政司司長曾俊華先生於 11月2日蒞臨大學,擔任逸夫書院聚會的 嘉賓講者,以「領導與承擔」為題,與1,500名中 大學生分享精闢意見。 曾局長在會上勉勵年輕人多了解社會情況,並承 擔起社會責任,為弱勢社群服務、為社會的不平 等情況抱不平。所謂「承擔」,是對國家及社會 有感情、有關懷,希望自己生活的地方更美好, 願意在工作和讀書以外花時間去了解社會的事 務。他寄望大學生把聰明才智用於解決香港以 至全球的種種困難,而大學正是培養關懷社會的 起點。 是次講座為逸夫書院通識課程的一部分,旨在擴 闊學生的學術視野及促進不同學系師生的交流。 T he Honourable John Tsang, Financial Secretary of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, shared his views on ‘Leadership and Commitment’ with some 1,500 students at the assembly of Shaw College on 2 November. Mr. Tsang encouraged young people to learn more about the society they live in, to be socially committed, and to stand up against injustice. By ‘commitment’, he referred to concern for and attachment to one’s country and society, the wish to improve one’s city of residence, and the willingness to learn more about it. He expressed the desire to see university students use their intelligence and knowledge to find solutions to problems plaguing Hong Kong and the world, and the university is where concern for society is first cultivated. The talk was part of the general education programme of Shaw College, the aim of which is to expand students’ perspectives and foster interdisciplinary exchange. 財政司司長曾俊華 論領導與承擔 Financial Secretary Talks on Leadership & Commitment 兩 位諾貝爾物理學獎得主—楊振寧教授及馬丁 ‧ 佩爾教授於10月25日親臨中大,出席新鴻基地產(新 地)和中大第八度舉辦的「新鴻基地產諾貝爾獎得獎學人傑出講座系列」,與逾500名學者、政商界 領袖、學生及公眾人士分享鍥而不捨的求學精神。 中大校長劉遵義教授感謝新地的支持,他深信諾貝爾獎學人的廣博見識、他們追求學問的熱誠及對世界的深 切關注,可激發學術思維。「透過講座系列,我們希望鼓勵探討知識,並加以傳播。」 兩位享譽國際的講者,其頂尖的研究成果均對基本粒子物理學影響深遠。楊振寧教授以「宇稱不守恆: 1957年的震撼」為題,講述在半世紀之前如何與李政道教授對前人牢固的定論提出質疑,在一片否定的聲音 中,本著雖千萬人吾往矣的精神,孜孜不倦地求證,奮力突破,建立新的學說,指出「宇稱守恆」並非普遍 的自然定律而獲得諾貝爾獎;這項偉大發現成為戰後60年內物理學發展史上一個重要的轉捩點。當年尋求真 理的歷程由他親身道來,更是別具意義。 在1995年獲頒殊榮的馬丁 ‧ 佩爾教授,講述「如何培養科技創意」。一切皆有定律的科學天地與天馬行空的創 意,兩者本質上是矛盾的。佩爾教授從定律的限制、創意的可行性和科學理論的覆蓋面等角度,分析兩者怎 樣可相輔相成,甚至有助突破現有學說。他的演說為科學研究帶來啟迪。 T wo renowned Nobel Laureates in Physics, Prof. Yang Chen Ning and Prof. Martin L. Perl, shared their passion for knowledge with Hong Kong in the eighth instalment of the Sun Hung Kai Properties Nobel Laureates Distinguished Lectures on 25 October at CUHK. Jointly organized by Sun Hung Kai Properties (SHKP) and CUHK, the lecture attracted over 500 academics, political and business leaders, students and members of the public. CUHK Vice-Chancellor Prof. Lawrence J. Lau expressed thanks to SHKP for its generous support for the lecture series. He said, ‘We believe that the Nobel Laureates’ passion for knowledge, vision, and concern for humanity will invigorate the intellectual community, and their accomplishments will inspire all to strive for excellence. Through these lectures, we hope to encourage discovery and dissemination of knowledge.’ The two eminent speakers have both made significant contributions to elementary particle physics. Prof. Yang spoke on the process of discovering parity nonconservation in weak interactions in his lecture ‘The Great Excitement in 1957 about Parity Nonconservation’. He recounted how half a century ago, he and Prof. Lee Tsung Dao questioned the thinking of the scientific community and proposed that parity may not be conserved in weak interactions—the forces long thought to cause elementary particles to disintegrate. The courageous challenge to established theories and their perseverance had led to one of the most important discoveries in the field of physics since World War II and won them the Nobel Prize. In his lecture ‘Developing Creativity and Innovation in Engineering and Science’, Prof. Perl examines how creativity can find its space in the orderly world of science, and how the two can complement each other and even bring about breakthroughs. His analysis from perspectives such as the limitations of the laws of science, the feasibility of creativity, and the scope of scientific theories is inspiring for scientific research and development. 校長劉遵義教授(右二)及新鴻基地產執行董事陳鉅源先生(左一)致送紀念品予兩位講者,左二為楊振寧教授, 右一為馬丁 ‧ 佩爾教授 Vice-Chancellor, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (2nd right) and SHKP executive director Mr. Thomas Chan (1st left) present souvenirs to Nobel Laureates, Prof. Yang Chen Ning (2nd left) and Prof. Martin L. Perl (1st right) 諾貝爾物理學人分享求學精神 Nobel Physicists Share Passion for Knowledge
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