Newsletter No. 283
第二八三期 二零零六年九月十九日 No. 283 19th September 2006 1 第二八三期 二零零六年九月十九日 No. 283 19th September 2006 今年新生輔導營「四院會師顯創意」增設拼圖活動,由中大新生合力砌出「06CU」 字樣,顯示四院學生同心協力,開創校園生活文化。 Umbrellaed students from all four colleges form the figures ‘06 CU’ at the University Mall during the human jigsaw activity of the orientation camp for new students. 優秀學生雲集中大 Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduates 2006 本 年度新生入學典禮於九月一日舉行,有二千多名本科新生出席,當中包 括非本地本科生及海外交換生。劉遵義校長在歡迎詞中介紹了中大今後 的發展,包括成立兩所新書院,為三改四後 學生人數增加作好準備。他亦提到今年中大 的收生成績非常理想,學生來自世界各地, 並勉勵學生珍惜學習機會。 T he Chinese University of Hong Kong held the Inauguration Ceremony for Undergraduates of the 2006 intake on 1st September 2006. Over 2,000 freshmen, including non-local undergraduates and overseas exchange students, attended the ceremony after several weeks of orientation programmes. The Vice-Chancellor of the University, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, extended a warm welcome to the freshmen. He spoke on future development plans of the University in preparation for the change to a four-year curriculum and on the establishment of new colleges. He also reported on this year’s admission statistics, commending students on their outstanding achievements. 香 港中文大學「雙語政策委員會」經年多的討論和研究,完成報告書並於 本月七日發放予中大全體成員作諮詢。委員會確認中大須維持其雙語教 育傳統,並在優化中大的雙語政策時為兩文三語定位。授課語言不限於課堂講 課用語,應從多方面來理解,並應配合學科性質、專業需要,學生和教師的語 言習慣、能力和文化背景,以及實際運作,作靈活處理,以達到教學最佳效果 為目的和培養中英雙語俱佳的中大畢業生。諮詢期至十一月十五日結束,委員 會亦將安排論壇和座談會,歡迎大學同人意見。雙語政策委員會報告書諮詢稿 載於 。 本刊亦訪問了雙語政策委員會主席金耀基教授,內容詳見本期第六頁。 T he Committee on Bilingualism, following over a year of thorough discussion and deliberation, completed its draft report and released it to all members of CUHK for consultation on 7th September. The Committee reaffirms that CUHK should maintain its tradition of bilingual education and enhance the bilingual policy of the University, and in that context, defines the roles of liangwen sanyu (‘two written languages and three spoken codes’). It recommends that the language of instruction should be determined taking into account the nature of the academic subject, professional requirements, and the language habits, competence and cultural backgrounds of the students and teachers concerned, and practical needs. The aim is to optimize the effectiveness of teaching and learning, allowing for flexibility, and to ensure that CUHK graduates have a very high level of proficiency in both languages. The consultation period will end on 15th November. The Committee is arranging forums and seminars to gather feedback from teachers, students and alumni. The report of the Committee is available on the website ( http://www. ). An interview with the Chairman of the Committee, Prof. Ambrose King, can be found on P.6 of this issue. 中大支持兩文三語教育方針 提出優化雙語教育環境政策 CUHK Upholds Liangwen Sanyu and Proposes to Enhance the Environment for Bilingual Education
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