Newsletter No. 462
United BA Student Awarded 2005 Rhodes Scholarship M s. Evelyn Chan Hiu-tung of United College has been chosen as Hong Kong Rhodes Scholar for the year 2005. Evelyn is the tenth CUHK student to have been awarded this prestigious scholarship making CUHK the local university with the most Rhodes scholars. Currently a final-year student majoring i n business administration, Evelyn w i l l begin her Master of Philosophy studies i n s o c i al a n t h r o p o l o gy a t the University of Oxford in October 2 0 0 5 . Ev e l yn has demonstrated herself to be an individual of high intellectual ability, with a strong academic record and well considered ambitions. She is also an outgoing young woman of integrity and maturity. She enjoys interacting with people and is active in a range of extracurricular activities. During her studies at CUHK, Evelyn was on a yearlong exchange at the University of Chicago, and was an enthusiastic participant of cultural activities. She teamed up with three other students of the Faculty of Business Administration at CUHK to participate in the Copenhagen Business School Case Competition. Among 12 teams from world renowned business schools, the CUHK team took second runner-up. A keen debater, Evelyn was awarded the best debater in the l ocal Joint Un i ve r s i t i es De b a t i ng C omp e t i t i on and selected to represent CUHK at the Wo r ld Universities Debating Championship in Toronto. Evelyn also participated in the China Career De v e l opment Awa rd Programme, and took part in a month-long internship in Shanghai. The Rhodes Scholarships were established after the death of Sir Cecil Rhodes in 1902, and were originally allocated to students from the Commonwealth countries, the US and Germany. Since the inclusion of Hong Kong to the list of countries in 1985, one student from Hong Kong has been honoured as Rhodes Scholar each year. Honours for Two Ph.D. Students M r. Chen Hon Fai, a Ph.D. student of the Department of Sociology, has won the first prize in the Journal of Classical Sociology (JCS) 2005 Prize Essay Competition. The prize- w i n n i ng a r t i c le ' Se l f - r e f e r ence, Mu t u al Identification and A f f ec t: The Parsonsian Problem of Order Reconsidered' was previously published in JCS. This marks the first time the prize is awarded to a Chinese student. Mr. Wang Junqi, a Ph.D. student in the Department of Biology under the supervision of Prof. Jiang Liwen, was awarded the 'Best Student Oral Presentation' at the 8th International Workshop on Seeds, held from 8th to 13th May 2005 i n Brisbane, Australia. His presentation was on 'Molecular Mechanism of Protein Mobilization in Germinating Seeds: The roles of Vacuolar Sorting Receptor Proteins and Multivesicular Bodies'. New Mi lestone in Col laborat ion f or CUHK and Universi ty of Aberdeen The University signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Aberdeen on 2nd June 2005 to promote academic and research collaboration and student exchange. Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right), vice-chancellor of CUHK, signed the memorandum with Prof. C. Duncan Rice (left), vice-chancellor of the University of Aberdeen, on CUHK campus. Under the agreement, the two partners w i l l engage i n collaborative research, faculty and student exchange, and organize academic conferences and symposia. Founded i n 1945, the University o f Aberdeen is Scotland's third oldest university and the fifth oldest in the UK. Its research excellence has allowed it to secure its position as a leading research-led institution and attract some of the world's most distinguished scholars. Expert Shows How Supply Chain Management Can Create New Values P rof. Hau L. Lee, Thoma Professor of Operations, Information and Technology at the Graduate School of Business, Stanford University, delivered a L i & Fung Lecture on Commerce and Industry on 30th May at the JW Marriott. The lecture was entitled 'Value-creating Supply Chain Management'. In attendance were over 200 government officials, consulate generals, company CEOs, University officers, and MBA alumni. Supply chain management i s about the coordination of information, material and financial flow. It is viewed as the backbone for the efficient delivery of goods to services and companies. But it can also serve as an engine for value creation. The talk described how companies that have mastered agility i n their operations, adapted their supply chains to meet the unique needs of the market, and aligned the interests of their supply chain partners, can penetrate new markets, build customer loyalty, gain market share, generate profits, and ultimately create great market value. Prof. Lee is the founding and current director of the Stanford Global Supply Chain Management Forum, an industry-academic consortium to advance the theory and practice of global supply chain management. Fift h Anniversar y o f CUHK-Tsinghu a MBA Programm e T he Chinese University and Tsinghua University jointly launched the MBA Programme in Finance in 2000. On 15th May 2005, the two partners celebrated the fifth anniversary of the programme at the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, Beijing. In attendance were over 250 teachers, alumni and students of the programme. Highlights included a finance forum and an alumni reunion themed 'My Enterprise and I'. The two institutions presented Outstanding Contribution Awards to founders of the programme. They included Prof. Zhao Chunjun, dean of the School of Economics and Management of Tsinghua University, Prof. Lee Tien-sheng, dean of the CUHK Faculty of Business Administration, Prof. He Jia, director of the MBA Programme in Finance, and Prof. Chen Guoquan of Tsinghua's School of Economics and Management. From left: Prof. He Jia, Prof. He Jiankun, vice president of Tsinghua University, Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice-chancellor of CUHK, Prof. Zhao Chunjun, and Prof. Chen Guoquan 1 No. 262 19thJune 2005
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