Newsletter No. 251
E-NEWSLETTER ABSTRACT For details, please visit Volume 1 No. 13 61st Congregation for the Installation of the New Vice-chancellor and the Conferment of Degrees Prof. Lawrence J. Lau was installed as the University's sixth Vice-Chancellor and 5,030 degrees, including four honorary degrees, were conferred at the 61 st congregation of The Chinese University held on 9th December 2004. The occasion saw the official installation of Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, who had been appointed by the University Council as the sixth Vice-chancellor of The Chinese University with effect from 1st July 2004. The four distinguished persons receiving honorary degrees were Prof. Lao Yung-wei (Lao Sze-kwang), renowned philosopher, professor of p h i l o s o p hy at Hu a f an U n i v e r s i t y , T a i w a n , and academician of Academia Sinica; Mr. Yang Liwei, the Chinese astronaut who c omma n d ed China's first manned space flight; Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees, Nobel laureate in economic sciences 1 9 9 6 , and d i s t i n g u i s h ed professor-at-large of The Chinese University; and Dr. W i l l i am Mong Man-wai, chairman and senior managing director of the Shun Hing Group. Prof. Lao was conferred the degree of Doctor of Literature, honoris causa. Mr. Yang received the degree of Doctor of Science, honoris causa. And Prof. Mirrlees and Dr. Mong were each awarded the degree of Doctor of Social Science, honoris causa. The introduction of Prof. Lawrence J. Lau and the citations of the four honorary graduates were written and delivered by Prof. Serena Jin of the Department of Translation and Prof. David Parker of the Department of English. Prof. Mirrlees addressed the congregation on behalf of the honorary graduates. The graduation ceremonies of the four colleges and the part-time degree programmes for first degree graduates took place in the afternoon. Officiating at these ceremonies were the college heads and Prof. Liu Pak-wai, pro-vice-chancellor. Ms. Lina Yan, Prof. Lo Wai-luen, Mr. Alfred W.K. Chan, and Mr. Timothy Cheung were the guests of honour. The master's degree graduation ceremony was held on 10th December at Sir Run Run Shaw Hall. It was presided at by Prof. Kenneth Young, pro-vice- chancellor, with Sir C.K. Chow, Mr. Ricky W.K. Wong, and Mrs. Ng Fong Siu-mei as guests of honour. Dr. Yang Liwei met with CUHK students, staff, and secondary school students on the afternoon of 10th December at the Shaw College Lecture Theatre. Commemorative Statue of Founding Vice- Chancellor Erected on CUHK Campus A statue of Dr. Choh-Ming Li, f ound i ng Vice- Chancel lor of the University, was donated to The Chinese Un i v e r s i ty on 28 th No v emb er to c ommemo r a te the distinguished contributions of t he f o u n d i n g Vice-Chancellor. The statue now stands in t he courtyard of the I n s t i t u t e o f Chinese Studies o n C U H K campus. Dr. Raymond P.L. Kwok (left) and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (right) From left: Prof. Wu Weishan, Dr. Jean Rogers, Dr. Chen Fong-ching, and Prof. Lawrence J. Lau From left: Dr. Yang Liwei. Prof. Lao Yung-wei. Dr. Raymond P.L. Kwok, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees, and Dr. William Mong Man-wai Prof. Lao Yung-wei Dr. Yang Liwei Prof. Lawrence J. Lau (left) and Dr. William Mong Man-wai (right) Prof. Sir James A. Mirrlees From left: Ms. Lina Yan, Prof. Ambrose King, Prof. Ma Lin, Dr. Edgar Cheng, Prof. Arthur K.C. Li, Dr. Alice Lam, Prof. Lawrence J. Lau, Prof. Charles K. Kao, Dr. J.S. Lee, Mr. Chien Lee, Prof. Jenny So, Dr. Chen Fong-ching, and Prof. Wu Weishan Volume 1 No. 12 CUHK Rises to the Challenge of Broader Student Mix CUHK embraces the ideal of a broader student mix, to enhance the quality of education provided to students. Moving forward, the University has put together plans to handle the increased number of students, which will be modest over the next few years. Library, classroom, canteen, and transport facilities are ready to receive the extra students, and minor changes in curriculum are being considered. Proposals for five new hostels have been submitted in September. Meantime, it is proposed to convert two buildings now used for other purposes to meet the demand in 2005-6. Mock-ups of triple rooms will be constructed and surveys will be undertaken later in 2005 to gauge the level of interest. In the light of that survey, a small number of rooms in existing hostels may be converted in 2006-7, for students who express interest in these rooms. Plans to set up a Housing Office are also underway to help students look for off-campus housing. 1 No. 251 19th December 2004
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