Newsletter Summer Supplement (2003)
宣 布 事 項 ANNOUNCEMENTS 校慶活動預告 Upcoming Anniversary Celebrations 鄭維健博士繼利漢釗博士出任校董會主席 Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng Succeeds Dr. Lee Hon Chiu as Council Chairman 大學校董會主席利漢釗博士將於今年十月二十三 日任滿後榮休。經大學校董會提名,大學監督董建華 先生已委任校董鄭維健博士為下一任大學校董會主 席,由二零零三年十月二十四日起生效。 •利漢釗博士自一九九七年出任大學校董會主席, 全力促進中大的發展與革新。利博士任內與大學校 長緊密合作,推行全校管理效率檢討,改善資源分 配及財政管理,成績卓著,為大學教育資助委員會 所推許。期間中大致力加強教研素質保證計劃,設 立支持科技轉移與發展的機制;多項課程(例如 MBA 及 EMBA) 更進佔亞太地區的前列地位,屢 次稱冠,備受推崇。 在利博士與大學校長的領導下,中大於過去六 年為配合香港社會對人才的需求,先後成立多間專業學院及研究所,並全面推行 資訊科技訓練及網上教學。大學在招聘優良師資、錄取海內外優秀學生,以及競 逐教資會撥款及研究經費各方面均取得優異成績。 在利主席任內,大學興建了多幢新教研大樓及音樂廳等先進設施,又與發展 商合作興建教學酒店,並獲取多項重大捐贈。 利博士近年更領導大學檢討管治架構,探討大學整合的可欲性和可行性,以 及物色新校長人選,對大學的未來發展貢獻至大,深為大學同人欽佩。利博士對 中大愛護有加,感情深厚,榮休後將續任終身校董,與中大保持密切聯繫。 •鄭維健博士是商界及財經界的傑出領袖和癌症專家。他早年肄業於美國聖母院 大學及威斯康辛醫學院,畢業後從事醫療工作,出任康乃爾大學醫學院臨床醫學 副教授,並曾在美國紐約著名的斯隆一凱特林癌病中心( Memorial Sloan- Kettering Cancer C e n t e r ) 行 醫 、 教 學 及 從 事 研 究 工 作 多 年 。 他 對 大 學 各 方 面 的運 作均有豐富的經驗和深入的了解。鄭博士曾擔任本港的大學教育資助委員會主 席,以及教育統籌委員會委員,負責制訂本港高等教育發展綱領並向政府提供意 見,又制訂及推動有關高等教育政策和撥款策略。鄭博士不僅熟悉香港高等教 育,更能從教授、科研人員、行政決策者與政策制訂者的不同層面和角度,帶領 大學未來的發展,作出切合時需的貢獻。 鄭博士於八十年代由美國返港協助家族經營業務,其後出任環球(香港)投 資有限公司主席兼董事總經理。他曾出任本港多間上市公司和私人公司的董事, 並在多間財經機構擔任要職,包括恆生銀行副主席及非執行董事、香港聯合交易 所主席、國際證券交易所聯會副會長、香港證券學院主席、研究成立財經學院可 行性的督導委員會主席、香港期貨交易所有限公司董事及世界大企業聯合會國際 顧問委員會委員。鄭博士現任香港金融研究中心董事,他的社會人脈和在工商界 的廣大聯繫網絡對中大裨益良多。 鄭博士熱心公益,積極參與香港的公共服務,曾於一九九九年二月至二零零 一年十二月期間,出任香港特別行政區中央政策組首席顧問。鄭博士現任可持續 發展委員會副主席,以及多個政府及社會公益委員會和小組的主席或成員。 鄭博士自出任中大校董以來,十分關注大學事務,曾出任探討大學整合專責 小組的成員及代主席。鄭博士有非常傑出的領導才能,在本港、內地,以至國際 方面都有崇高的聲譽和良好的聯繫,他將帶領中大茁壯騰飛、精益求精。 Dr. Lee Hon Chiu, chairman of the University Council, w i ll retire upon the expiry of his present term of office on 23rd October 2003. On the nomination of the University Council, Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng, currently a member of the University Council, has been appointed by Mr. Tung Chee Hwa, Chancellor of the University, as the next chairman from 24th October 2003. 鄭維健博士 Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng • Dr. Lee Hon Chiu has played an active role in the development of C U HK since assuming office as Council chairman in 1997. He has worked closely with the University's vice-chancellor to implement management efficiency reviews and improve resources and financial management, the results of which were highly commended by the University Grants Committee. The University also enhanced quality assurance mechanisms for its educational and research programmes and created new infrastructure to support technology transfer and development. Many of the University's academic programmes (e.g. M B A and EMB A) have been ranked top in the Asia-Pacific region and received wide acclaims. Over the last six years, the University has also established a number of professional schools and research institutes to meet societal needs, implemented campus-wide training in information technology and web-based learning, and achieved excellent results in the recruitment of outstanding academics, the enrolment of high quality students both from within and outside Hong Kong, and bidding for UGC grants to support education and research activities. During Dr. Lee's term of chairmanship, several academic buildings and a state-of- the-art concert hall have been erected, the construction of a teaching hotel has started, and substantial donations have been raised. More recently Dr. Lee led a review of the University's governance and management structure, a study of the viability and feasibility of institutional integration, and the search of a new vice-chancellor for the University. CUHK is most grateful to Dr. Lee for his remarkable contribution and support throughout the years, and is most gratified to note that after his retirement, Dr. Lee w i ll continue to be associated closely with CUHK as a Life Member of the Council. • Dr. Edgar W.K. Cheng is an eminent leader in the business and financial sector as well as an outstanding oncologist. He graduated from the University of Notre Dame and the Medical College of Wisconsin in the USA. A clinical associate professor of medicine at the Cornell University Medical College, Dr. Cheng also practised medicine and 九月 二十一至二十六日 (星期日至星期五) 香港中文大學四十周年校慶博覽會 時間:上午九時至晚上九時 地點:中文大學校園 香港中文大學四十周年校慶博覽會以「騰飛四十•精進日新」 為主題,展示中大過去四十年來服務社會、致力發展敎育與學 術硏究的貢獻。博覽會將透過多媒體展覽、表演及講座,展現 中文大學的使命及未來的發展藍圖。 September 21st-26th (Sunday-Friday) The Chinese University of Hong Kong 40th Anniversary Fair Time: 9.00 a.m.—9.00 p.m. Location: CUHK campus The Anniversary Fair celebrates the University's remarkable accomplishments over the last 40 years in serving the community through education and research. Through multi-media exhibitions, performances and forums, the fair brings to life the mission and vision of the University, and looks forward to future developments as the University continues to advance and excel. 請上網( )查閱最新資訊 Please visit f or the latest information. 1 暑期特刊 二零零三年八月十九日 Summer Supplement 19th August 2003
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