Newsletter No. 208
Dr. Lee H o n - c h i u B e c o m e s l i f e M e m b e r o f t h e C o u n c i l D r. Lee Hon-chiu, chairman of the University Council, has been appointed Life Member of the Council from 11th September 2002. Dr. Lee Hon-chiu and the Lee Family have b e en s t a u n ch s u p p o r t e rs a nd g e n e r o us bene f ac t o rs o f The Chinese U n i v e r s i ty o f Hong Kong since its inception. He was elected Co u n c il Memb er in 1992 and has rendered excellent service to the Council since then. He assumed a leadership role on several Counc il c omm i t t e es and was subsequen t ly e l ec t ed v i c e - c h a i r man o f the Co u n c i l. In Oc t ober 1 9 9 7 , u p o n t he r e t i r e m e n t o f D r . t he Honourable Lee Quo - we i, Dr. Lee Hon - c h iu was appointed chairman o f the Council by the chancellor w i t h the unanimous support o f the Council. The phenomenal g r ow th o f the Un i ve r s i ty and its we l l recognized accomplishments in the last f i ve years bear witness to Dr. Lee Hon - c h i u 's excellent leadership and generous support. Dr. Lee Hon-chiu is also an outstanding leader in the business sector and the community at large. His long and illustrious career and the distinguished public and professional services he has rendered are greatly appreciated in Hong Kong, on the mainland and abroad. More Victories for the CU Rowing Team R owers from the University outshone their counterparts from the Un i ve r s i ty o f Hong Ko ng in the 1 6th Intervarsity Row i ng Championship held on 15th September on Shing Mun River. The CU team came out of the five races with three gold trophies and two silver. In the focus event of the day 一 the men's coxed eight race, they beat the H KU team two years in a row to clinch their eleventh championship title in 16 years. The CU team was also the overall champion in the Eighth Hong Kong Universities Row i ng Championship held two weeks earlier on 1st September 2002. Naming of University Facilities Five major facilities of the University have recently been christened with new names. Postgraduate Hall No. 1 has been named Jockey Club Postgraduate Hall i n r e c o g n i t i on o f the generous donation by the Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust towards the development o f the Un i ve r s i t y 's student hostels. The Marine Science Laboratory is now called the Simon F.S. L i Marine Science Laboratory, and the only building of that laboratory has been named the Simon F.S. L i Building to give permanent recognition to the generous donation by Dr. and Mrs. Simon F.S. L i and their family for the development of the University. The lecture theatre and the attached lobby on the fifth floor of the Ho Sin-Hang Engineering Building has been named T.Y. Wong Hall in appreciation of the generous support given by The T.Y. Wong Foundation Inc. to establish the Mr. and Mrs. T.Y. Wong Endowment Fund. A new student hostel on New Asia campus has been named Daisy Li Hall after Dr. Daisy Li, who has made a generous donation towards the construction costs of the hostel. A room on the ground floor of the Postgraduate Education Centre of the Faculty of Medicine at the Prince of Wales Hospital has been named the Kai Chong Tong Clinical Skills Resources Centre in recognition of the generous contribution made by Kai Chong Tong to support the activities of the Clinical Skills Resources Centre of the Faculty of Medicine. ↑JockeyClub Postgraduate Hall ←Si m on F.S. Li Marine Science Labora t o r y Support for Four More Research Projects The following research projects undertaken by staff members of the University have succeeded in obtaining funding support from various sources: Promotion of Putonghua (HK$2,499,470) Sponsor: The Language Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Ho Wai-kit (Centre for Research and Development of Putonghua Education) Development of a Service Robot with Lift Interface (HK$ 130,000) Sponsor: Chinese Academy of Sciences Principal investigator: Prof. Liu Yunhui (Department of Automation and Computer- Aided Engineering) Intelligent e-Diagnosis of Plastic Injection Moulding Machines (HK$700,000) Sponsors: Innovation and Technology Fund, Po Yuen (To's) Machine Factory Ltd. Principal investigator: Prof. Du Ruxu (Department of Automation and Computer- Aided Engineering) Co-investigators: Xu Yangsheng and Kevin C.H. Lo Detection of Aberrantly Methylated DNA in Blood and Faeces: A Novel Non-invasive Screening Method for Gastrointestinal Cancer (HK$3,440,280) Sponsor: Innovation and Technology Fund Principal investigator: Prof. Leung Wai-keung (Department of Medicine and Therapeutics) Co-investigators: Prof. To Ka-fai, Prof. Francis K.L. Chan, and Prof. Joseph Sung
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