Newsletter No. 65
New Impetus to Cancer Treatment and Research Mrs. Lavender Patten (left 3, front row) officiated at the inauguration ceremony of the cancer centres, with Dr. and Mrs. Peter Woo on her left and right. T h e Hon g Kon g Cance r Institut e o f The Chines e Universit y o f Hon g Kon g held an inauguration ceremony for its two new centres, the Sir Yue-kong Pao Centre for Cance r an d the Lady Pa o Children' s Cancer Centre , a t th e Princ e o f Wale s Hospital o n 16t h February. Established wit h a HK$120 millio n donation fro m Dr . an d Mrs . Pete r Woo , the tw o centre s hous e th e world' s mos t advanced magneti c resonanc e imagin g machine which enables accurate localization of tumours, a confocal laser scanning microscope which can reveal the internal workings o f livin g cells , a karyotypin g machine whic h ca n detec t damage d chromosomes responsibl e fo r th e development o f som e cancers , a specia l dispensary fo r cance r dru g preparation , a paediatri c cance r centr e fo r youn g patients, and a day chemotherapy clinic . It is also hoped that the centres will serv e as a base for public education and multi- disciplinary research . On th e sam e day , followin g th e inauguration o f th e ne w cance r centres , cancer specialists from the United States, the UK, the Netherlands, Australia, China, and Malaysia met their local counterparts in a symposium entitled 'Cance r into the 21st Century' , organize d b y th e Hon g Kong Cancer Institute . Over 1 5 papers were delivered at the symposium amon g whic h 1 0 wer e b y overseas speakers who shared their latest research findings and experience in cancer treatment wit h loca l specialist s an d discussed the futur e direction s i n cance r research. Tw o o f th e speakers , Drs . Richard A. Rifkind and Frederick Becker, had served as advisers to the US president on medical research related to cancer. In hi s openin g speech , Prof . Phili p Johnson, directo r o f th e Hon g Kon g Cancer Institute , underscore d th e University's commitmen t t o battle Hon g Kong's numbe r on e kille r disease , an d outlined the resources available at the new cancer centres . On the morning of 17th February, local cancer specialists and scientific advisers to the Hong Kong Cancer Institute attende d a scrie s o f workshop s o n topic s rangin g from breas t cancer , nasopharyngea l carcinoma, sof t tissu e an d bon e sarcom a to liver cancer. Consensus reports were then presented in the second-floor lecture theatre of the Prince of Wales Hospital . With state-of-the-ar t facilitie s an d through continuous exchange of expertise with world-clas s medica l personnel , th e Hong Kon g Cance r Institut e aspire s t o become the territory's centre of excellence in cancer treatment and research. 31 Receive Long Service Awards T h e 1994-9 5 Lon g Servic e Awar d presentation ceremony took place on 18t h February a t the University Gues t House . Vice-Chancellor Charles Kao officiated at the ceremony hel d in honour of 31 award recipients (se e lis t o n th e right), eac h o f whom ha d serve d th e Universit y fo r a t least 25 years . Awardees o n term s o f servic e (A ) were introduced to attending guests by Mr. Yeung Chung-kee , chairma n o f th e Teachers' Association ; thos e on terms o f service (B ) an d (C ) wer e introduce d b y Mr. Winsto n Y . S. Kan , chairma n o f th e Staff Association . Th e vice-chancello r thanked the honorees for their dedicatio n to th e Universit y an d presente d t o the m certificates acknowledgin g thei r loya l service. Those on terms of service (A) also received a n 18-cara t gol d pi n wit h th e CUHK logo ; honorees on terms of service (B) an d (C ) coul d choos e eithe r a HK$4,000-cash priz e o r a gol d pi n an d HK$2,100. Award Recipients Post and Department/Unit Dr. Chan Tze-lock Senior Lecturer, Department of Chemistry Mr. Chang Yiu-tung, Frederick Deputy Librarian, University Library System Mr. Chen Wen-shuen, Vincent Director, Buildings Office Mr. Chik Hon-man Senior Instructor, Chinese Language Centre Dr. Chik Kin-pong Senior Lecturer, Department of Physics Dr. Chiu Kam-wai Reader, Department of Biology Mr. Chow Tso-huai Sub-librarian, New Asia College Branch Library Mr. Ho Cheuk-sang Assistant Director, Chinese Language Centre Dr. Lau Hong-shang, Martin Lecturer, Department of Physics Prof. Lee Kam-hon Professor, Department of Marketing Dr. Li Tu Senior Lecturer, Department of Philosophy Dr. Li Wai-kee Reader, Department of Chemistry Prof. Mak Chung-wai, Thomas Professor, Department of Chemistry Mrs. Nga-ching Wong, Miller Senior Instructor, Chinese Language Centre Prof. Mun Kin-chok Professor, Department of International Business Dr. Ng Kung-fu Reader, Department of Mathematics Mrs. Ng Lam Sim-yuk Senior Instructor, Chinese Language Centre Mr. Sheung Chung-ho Senior Lecturer, Department of Chinese Language and Literature Mr. So Hing-bun Lecturer; Department of History Dr. So Suk-ping Reader, Department of Chemistry Mrs. Chan Tai Man-chu, Pearl Senior Library Assistant, Chung Chi College Branch Library Mr. Chung Hing-yiu, Edward Functional Clerk, Graduate School Mr. Fong Kwok-chuen Laboratory Technologist/Senior Laboratory Superintendent, Department of Electronic Engineering Mr. Kwan Yan-wing General Clerk II, Faculty Office of Arts Mr. Lo Kwok-kwan Senior Fitter, Technical Services Unit Mr. Shum Yin-sang Chief Clerk, Business Section Mr. Tang Chan-hoi Principal Technical Officer, Buildings Office Mr. Wong Fook-chuen General Clerk II, Physical Education Unit Miss Wong Kam-foon General Clerk I, Faculty Office of Arts Mr. Yau Ah-kwok Artisan, Buildings Office Mrs. Chow Wu Yun-tai Workman II, Central Office Support Service Introducing Graduate Programmes in Engineering T h e University' s Faculty of Engineering held a n open da y las t mont h t o promot e its graduate programmes . On the morning of 11th February, over 100 people visited the newly built Ho Sin- Hang Engineering Building, which houses some of Southeas t Asia' s mos t advance d laboratories i n telecommunications , electronics, and computer science. During an academic briefing held in the fifth-floor auditorium, representative s o f variou s departments i n th e facult y answere d questions rangin g fro m applicatio n procedures t o research expertise. Visitor s were als o abl e t o tal k t o teacher s an d graduate students , an d watc h demonstrations of major research facilities. The Faculty of Engineering currently offers M.Sc. , M.Phil , an d Ph.D . programmes in computer science, electronic engineering, informatio n engineering , mechanical an d automation engineering , and systems engineering and engineering management. Its areas of research include a r t i f i c i al intelligence , paralle l an d distributed systems , electroni c device s and materials , imag e an d signa l processing, robotics , engineerin g management, and information systems .
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