Newsletter No. 58
Vol. 5‧9 No. 58 September 1994 Let'sGETr e a d y for change The CUHK Newsletter has adopted its present format since December 1989, when the Publication Office first took over its compilation and production. After five years it is now set for another major change. If all goes well and readers find our proposals sound, we will introduce the changes in January 1995. They include • publication on a fortnightly instead of monthly basis to ensure timeliness in handling topical issues; • combining the English and Chinese versions to reduce repetition in reporting; • adopting the size of a tabloid to make possible greater variation in layout; • restructuring the contents to emphasize two-way communication: whilst teaching, research, and administrative units will be invited to expound their policies and plans more frequently, new columns will be introduced to encourage individual members of the University to freely express their views 一 on university administration, campus events, orjust a new book. These changes are designed to help speed up information dissemination, improve internal communication, and increase the transparency of University governance. Readers may have different views about the role of the newsletter and the need for change. Do give us a call, a fax, or an email to tell us what you want to read, and how you want yourself to be heard. You may speak for a committee, a department, a faculty, or simply yourself. May we also remind our readers that the Publication Office is only a small unit on the periphery of university administration. No important information is ever generated here, neither do we have enough feelers to detect every odd sentiment on the campus. Much as we would like to make the newsletter effective, all-embracing, impartial, it could never be such without contributions from as many quarters as possible. The more frequently readers communicate through the newsletter, the more effective a channel of communication it becomes. The more diverse the sources of contribution, the more comprehensive its contents, and the more balanced its views. Communicate with us now, we await your contributions. We will collate all suggestions and design a questionnaire accordingly to gauge the majority sentiment. And we will let you know the results. CUHK Newsletter editorial team, Publication Office Fax: 6036864 E-mail: Six CU Research Projects Rated Excellent The Research Grants Council (RGC) recently completed its first-round assessment of research projects launched by local tertiary institutions and financed by the council's earmarked grants. Reports of 74 completed projects were submitted to RGC panel members and reviewers for assessment earlier this year, and 30 of them received ratings in June. Nine projects were rated as 'excellent' and among them six were CUHK projects. The remaining three came from HKU, Hong Kong Polytechnic and Baptist College. The six outstanding CUHK projects are Project Title Principal Investigors 1. A computerised database Prof. D.C. Lau of the entire body of Dr. F.C. Chen extant Han and pre-Han (i.e. pre-220 a.d.) traditional Chinese texts 2. Design, synthesis, and Prof. Thomas structural characterization C.W. Mak of novel inclusion Dr. T.L. Chan compounds 3. Laser interactions with Dr. H.M. Lai micro-meter size droplets Prof. K. Young and fibres 4. Anatomical, biochemical Dr. L.S. Jen* and physiological studies Dr. D.S.C. Tsang of brain transplants 5. From print to sound and Prof. Liu In Mao* meaning Dr. May J. Chen* Dr. Chen Hsuan- chih 6. Signal transduction in Prof. C.Y. Lee PU5-1.8 and normal Dr. Y.M. Choy macrophage cells Dr. K.P. Fung * No longer CUHK staff member NO.53 SEPTEMBER 1994 1
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