Newsletter No. 48
中大通訊 CUHK Newsletter Vol. 4‧11 No. 48 November 1993 Dr. Yo-yo Ma and Mr. Christopher Patten Dr. Cheng Yu-tung Sir Quo-wei Lee (left) and Dr. Lee Shau- Kee (right) The Chancellor and a representative of the Rev. Shih Cheng-yen after the congregation Dr. Thomas H.C. Cheung addressing t Mr. T. L Tsim delivering a citation Dr. Zao Wai-ki Dr. C. P. Kwong the mace bearer The 46th Congregation The46thcongregation for theconferment ofhonorary degrees andthe celebration of the30thanniversary of theUniversity was heldattheSirRunRunShawHallon 14th October.HEtheGovernor andChancellor of theUniversity , the Rt. Hon. ChristopherPatten, officiated attheceremony, whichwasattendedbyover850 guests including some80officialrepresentatives from educational institutions in HongKongand overseas. TheChancellor conferred thedegree ofDoctorofLiterature, honoris causa, on Dr. Yo-yoMaandMr.ZaoWou-ki, the degreeofDoctorofSocialScience, honoris causa, onDr.ChengYu-tung andDr.LeeShau-kee, andthedegreeofDoctorof Laws, honoris causa, onMr.Thomas H.C.Cheung. TheRev.ShihCheng-yen was indisposedand thusunable tocometoHongKong toreceive thehonorarydegree of DoctorofSocialScience inperson.Their citationswerewritten anddelivered by Mr. T.L Tsim, directorofTheChineseUniversityPress. In anaddressmadeonbehalfofthehonorary graduates, Dr.Thomas H.C. Cheung describedthe educationalidealsand the accomplishmentsof the University over thelast30years,stressing that'Rooted inHongKong and witha splendid heritage fromthe Chineseas wellas Westerncultural traditions, the Universityregards it as itsdutytoservebothHongKong and China.'Himself an alumnusof the University, he calleduponall CUHKalumni to 'repay their alma materandthecommunity bycontributing theirexperience andresources, and to worktogetherwith theUniversity tomeetthechallenges ofthe21stcentury.'The full textofDr.Cheung'speech andthecitationswillbepublished inthe Chinese University Bulletin (Autum n ‧Winter 1993 issue). A teareceptionwas heldaftertheceremony outside theScienceCentre. 1
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