Newsletter Special Issue
CUHK Newsletter (Specia l Issue) 中大通訊 專號 訃告 學術聯繫辦事處副主任羅汝飛博士於一九九三年九月廿五日辭世。羅博 士早於一九七三年曾受聘於本校任社會學系助敎兩年;八六年七月再加入中 大,任國際交換計劃學部主任助理,並於九一年九月獲委爲學術聯繫辦事處 副主任。 一九九三年九月廿八日 Obituar y Dr. Law Yu Fai, associate director of the Office of Academic Links, passed away on 25th September 1993. Dr. Law first joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong in 1973 and served for two years as tutor in the Department of Sociology. He rejoined the University in July 1986 as assistant to the director of the Office of International Studies Programmes, and was appointed associate director of the Office of Academic Links in September 1991. 28th September 1993
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