Newsletter No. 19
CUHK Newsletter 中 — 大 I 通 I 訊 Vol 2-6 No. 19 June 1991 The University to Receive $22 Million from the UPGC for 44 Research Projects For the second year in succession, the University outdid other tertiary institutions in the competitive bid for research grants from the University and Polytechnic Grants Committee (UPGC). For 1991-92, the Government has made available HK$63 million for deserving research proposals submitted by the academic and research personnel in six local tertiary institutions and selected by the UPGC's Research Council for support. Selection is based on the competitive merits of the various proposals and their relevance to the Hong Kong setting. This year, of the 135 research proposals selected by the Research Council of the UPGC, 44 (32.6 per cent) are CUHK projects. This is also the highest score among the six local tertiary institutions. These 44 projects will receive earmarked grants totalling $22,239,000, representing 35.4 per cent of the Government's $63 million budget for 1991-92. The University is way ahead of other institutions in this year's allocation of research resources. The University's successful research proposals fall into eight different areas: arts and language (2); administrative, business and social studies (6); biological sciences (9); physical sciences and engineering (4); education (1); medicine (15); electrical and electronic engineering (2); and computer science, information technology and mathematics (5). Here is a summary of the results of the UPGC deliberations of bids submitted by UPGC-funded tertiary institutions: 1 Institution No. of Projects Supported Amount Allocated ($million) Overall percentage CUHK 44 22.239 35.4% University of HK 37 16.88 26.9% HK University of Science & Technology 18 8.825 14.1% HK Polytechnic 19 6.575 10.5% City Polytechnic of HK 13 5.835 9.3% HK Baptist College 4 2.365 3.8% 135 62.719 100% To coordinate all applications from staff members for UPGC research grants, the University has set up a Research Committee, which is supported by seven subject panels, each responsible for screening and evaluating research proposals in a particular subject area. Since 1988 , the Research Committee has handled over 400 research proposals, and the number of projects that have successfully obtained earmarked grants from the UPGC has increased from 12 in 1988 , 18 in 1989 , 25 in 1990 , to 44 in 1991. The Research Committee has also announced that applications for UPGC research grants for 1992-93 are now being invited. Details and application forms are obtainable from departmental offices and various research units.
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