Newsletter No. 6
CUHK Newsletter 中 — 大 — 通 — 訊 Vol. 1 No. 6 May 1990 Pro-Vice-Chancellor Designate —P r o f S W Tam The University Council recently announced the appointment of Prof. S. W. Tam as Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University for a term of two years from 1st August 1990. Prof. Tam's appointment brings the number of Pro-Vice-Chancellors to three, the other two being Prof. Baysung Hsu and Prof. Ambrose King. Prof. Tam was awarded the King Edward V II Scholarship to read science at the University of Hong Kong where he obtained his B.Sc. (Hons.) and M.Sc. degrees. He was awarded a Commonwealth scholarship in 1961 to do research in organic chemistry at the University of Nottingham, where he obtained his Ph.D. degree in 1964. He joined The Chinese University as lecturer in organic chemistry in 1965 and was promoted to the ranks of senior lectureship in 1970, readership in 1978 and professorship in 1982. From 1967 to 1980 he received several external awards and fellowships to carry out research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Cambridge University. Over the years Prof. Tarn has made significant contributions to University administration. He has been president and head of Chung Chi College (1976-81; 1988-90) and is concurrently dean of the Graduate School (since 1981) and master of the Postgraduate Hall (since 1976). He is also a member of the University Council and many other University committees. Outside the University, he has served on the Administrative Board of the Association of Southeast Asian Institutions of Higher Learning and the Executive Committee of the Association of Christian Universities and Colleges in Asia of which he is currently the president. Prof. Tam has been active in teaching and research. His main research interests include structural studies and synthesis of natural products, mass spectrometry, particularly studies of ion structures, and organometallic chemistry. He has published many research and review articles in international journals, including chapters in two volumes of the series on Chemistry of Functional Groups edited by S. Patai. Prof. Tam has a very distinguished record of public service. He has for many years been actively involved in the work of local educational institutions and voluntary welfare agencies including the Hong Kong Examinations Authority, the Hong Kong Polytechnic, St. Christopher's Home, the Alice Ho Mill Ling Nethersole Hospital and the United Christian Medical Services. He has also been appointed by the government to serve as a member of the Board of Education and the Provisional Hong Kong Council for Academic Accreditation, and the chairman of the Supplementary Medical Professions Council. Lord Todd Appo i n t ed L i fe Member of Uni vers i ty Counc il The Rt. Hon. Lord Todd of Trumpington has been appointed a life member of the CUHK Council from 1st June 1990. A distinguished scientist, past president of the Royal Society of the United Kingdom, a Nobel Laureate and an educationalist, Lord Todd has been a staunch supporter of the advancement of science and technology in Hong Kong. As trustee (1979), chairman (1980-88) and president (since 1988) of the Croucher Foundation, he has been actively involved in providing support for training and research in local institutions of higher learning. Lord Todd's association with CUHK began in 1977 when he became the chairman of its Academic Advisory Board on Natural Sciences. As an overseas council member since 1978 , Lord Todd has been giving the University invaluable advice and guidance during a period of reorganization and major expansion. As a life member Lord Todd will continue to give his wise counsel and guidance to CUHK after his current term as overseas council member expires on 31st May 1990. 1
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