Newsletter No. 4
CUHK Newsletter 中 — 大 — 通 — 訊 Vol. 1 No. 4 March 1990 New Registrar Appo i n t ed The University announces the appointment of Dr. Ng Lee-Ming, reader in religion and director of the Office of Part-time Degree Studies, as University Registrar with effect from 19thMarch, 1990 to succeed Professor Yeung Yue-man, who will return to full-time academic appointment as professor of geography after his four-year term as University Registrar expires. Dr. Ng, aged 53, graduated from the International Christian University in Tokyo in 1961 and obtained the degree of Doctor of Theology in the Princeton Theological Seminary, USA in 1970. Dr. Ng joined the University as lecturer in religion in 1970, was promoted to senior lecturer in 1980 and reader in 1987. He has held various administrative appointments such as acting registrar of Chung Chi College, chairman of the Department of Religion, dean of the Faculty of Arts, faculty admissions tutor, and director of the Office of Part-time Degree Studies. Dr. Ng has served on various committees of the University. He is also amember of the Council of the Open Learning Institute of Hong Kong. The Registrar Designate Talks about His New Appointment Dr. Ng Lee-Ming hasbeenappointed University Registrar at a time when the University is entering a new phase of expansion.The Newsletterhas interviewed Dr. Ng onhowhewill preparethe Registry for newchallengesahead.Here is a summary of the interview: • Dr. Ng, could you tell us what will bethemostimportant tasks facing you upon becoming Registrar? • Three tasks will require my concentrated attention: the implementation of the flexible credit unit system, the finalization of the joint admissions scheme for six local tertiary institutions and the planning of a substantial increase in student intake in the next triennium. • Will theRegistry havethe manpower and resources to cope with the rapid expansion in student numbers in the near future? Might an increase in workload necessitate r organization in theRegistry similar to that carried outin the University Secretariat in late 1989? • I am not yet in a position to comment intelligently on this as I am not yet the Registrar and not yet completely familiar with the existing establishment and workload. My guess is that the Registry may need more computer equipment and some extra staff, and I will look into this once I have assumed office. To cope with new duties more efficiently, some realignment of duties and functions may also be required, but I'd hesitate to describe it as a major reorganization. Although adjustments will have to be made to take into account greater student numbers, if all the groundwork 1
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