
The ISO team aims at providing efficient and timely services in the compilation and dissemination of accurate information about the University to its members, stakeholders and the public.

Our major tasks are three-thronged:
- the production of the University's major official publications, in both print and electronic formats;
- the collection, organization and dissemination of useful data and resources; and
- the content management of the University website.

Publication Schedule 2020-21

The target publication dates of the University publications within the purview of the Information Services Office are as shown below. 

Publication Target Publication Date(s)
Annual Report 2019-20 15 Jan 2021
Bulletin No. 1, 2020
Bulletin No. 2, 2020
15 Aug 2020
15 March 2021
Calendar 2020-21 15 Sep 2020
Contact Directory 2020-21 15 Sep 2020
Facts and Figures 2020 15 Jan 2021
Newsletter 4th and 19th  day of each month *
Student Brochure 15 Oct 2020

Out of policy considerations and/or operational needs, the Information Services Office may change any of the above dates without prior notice. We would try to maintain the timely production of these publications as targeted. Your kind understanding will be appreciated should there be any delay due to factors which fall outside our control.

* Except Chinese New Year and Summer Vacation; where the 4th and 19th day of a month is a public holiday, the Newsletter will be published on the next working day.




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