Newsletter No. 396

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三九六期 二零一二年四月十九日 No. 396 19 April 2012 我的大學生活 首次舉辦的博群花節園遊會在3月29日傍晚曲終人未散,意猶未 盡的學生依傍在舞台上的巨型座地裝飾旁,在幻變的燈光映襯下, 為多姿多彩的大學生活留下美好印記。(詳見頁2) My University Life The festive mood lingered on the evening of 29 March on CUHK campus despite the conclusion of the first I • CARE Floral Festival. On the lawn next to Lake Ad Excellentiam , students posed with their friends next to the stage props, their faces illuminated by colourful decorative lighting. (see p. 2) P8 「我有興趣研究禪修或 靜觀對健康的影響。」 ‘My research interests include the effect of meditation or mindfulness on health.’ P2 周保松被校長打趣:「中大搞 花節?你這老師挺浪漫啊!」 ‘A floral festival on our campus? Po-chung, you’re quite a romantic teacher,’ joked Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung. P4 「不少濫藥青年認為這 只是壞習慣,和上網、 打機沒分別。」 ‘Young people think drug abuse is a bad hobby, just like net surfing and playing online games.’