Newsletter No. 375
第三七五期 二零一一年四月四日 No. 375 4 April 2011 本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 燭光點點 祝福串串 紙杯盛載的只是一點燭光,卻代表無限關懷鼓勵和守望。3月24日 傍晚,二百多師生聚集於大學廣場,出席日本震災燭光晚會,以點 燃蠟燭、捐款、祈禱、分享、撰寫心意卡及歌聲,同心為這個遭受 地震海嘯破壞和核危機威脅的國家送上祝福。(全文詳見頁2 – 3) Prayers for Japan On the evening of 24 March, over 200 CUHK staff and students gathered at University Square to participate in a candlelight vigil for the victims of the Japan earthquake. By lighting candles, donating money, praying, sharing, writing messages on cards and singing, they sent their goodwill to Japan which was recently devastated by a 9-magnitude earthquake, followed by tsunamis and a nuclear plant crisis. (For the full story, please read pp.2–3) P5 「此書製作經年,是多地人力協作 的果實。」 ‘This was a long-range and long-term co-operative effort, involving many widely separated colleagues.’ P5 美國詩人邁克.帕爾瑪為觀眾朗 誦不同時期的代表作,並由琵琶 及笙穿插和應。 Accompanied by pipa and sheng performances, Michael Palmer, a renowned contemporary American poet, recited poems at the reading. P8 「我慢慢了解到生命的價值 不取決於外在環境,而是在於 自身。」 ‘Gradually I learnt to appreciate that life’s value should not be determined by one’s external environment, but should come from within oneself.’
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