Newsletter No. 371

本刊由香港中文大學資訊處出版,每月出版兩期。截稿日期及稿例載於 。 The CUHK Newsletter is published by the Information Services Office, CUHK, on a fortnightly basis. Submission guidelines and deadlines can be found at . 第三七一期 二零一一年一月十九日 No. 371 19 January 2011 P8 排球訓練及讀書,兩者 都要用腦、都很累。 Both volleyball training and studying are brain racking and exhausting. 美食實驗課堂 香港中文大學教學酒店開幕暨鄭裕彤樓命名典禮於1月4日舉行。中大與新世界 集團合作的教學酒店計劃分兩部分:香港沙田凱悅酒店及命名為鄭裕彤樓的教 學大樓。透過親身參與營運管理,酒店及旅遊管理課程的學生可結合理論與實 務。設於鄭裕彤樓的實習廚房及品酒實驗室,讓學生學習烹調食物及調製餐飲 的理論及技能。 Inside the Food Lab The grand opening of the Teaching Hotel and the naming of the Cheng Yu Tung Building were held on 4 January. Jointly developed by CUHK and the New World Group, the Teaching Hotel Project comprised Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Sha Tin, and the teaching building named Cheng Yu Tung Building. By allowing students from the Programme of Hotel and Tourism Management to practise real-life operations, the project integrates theory and practice which makes the whole learning process more inspiring. The food and wine laboratories in the Cheng Yu Tung Building are where the students learn the theories and skills of gastronomy and catering. 本刊下期(三七二期)將於 2月19日出版。 The CUHK Newsletter will take a break and resume publication on 19 February. 恭賀新禧 Happy New Year 高錕伉儷隨着口琴三重奏 的悠揚樂韻翩翩起舞。 Prof. Charles Kao and Mrs. Kao stepped on to the dance floor, twirling to the tunes played by the harmonica trio Veloz. P5