Newsletter No. 338

No. 338, 19.5.2009 第三三八期 二零零九年五月十九日 No. 338 19 May 2009 中大續受中六尖子歡迎 EAS Students Continue to Favour CUHK T his year CUHK admitted 173 Secondary Six students in Hong Kong through the Early Admissions Scheme (EAS), accounting for approximately 41% of all EAS applicants. All students admitted were Band A applicants (who chose CUHK programmes as their first or second choice). Among them, about 20% attained 8As/5* or above in their Hong Kong Certificate of Education Examination (HKCEE), with five having received 10As/5*. Business Programmes Remain Popular Although the global economy is affected by the financial crisis, there seems to be no overall decline in the number of applicants applying to programmes in the Faculty of Business Administration. The global business studies programme continues to attract the best applicants, with EAS students admitted to the programme having scored 9As on average in HKCEE. With the economic downturn and a shrinking investment banking sector, applicants may have reservations about choosing banking- or investment-related programmes. However courses related to insurance, finance, actuarial science and risk management registered a 48% increase in the number of applicants, compared to 2008. For finance-related programmes, the preferred programmes of EAS applicants, CUHK admitted the highest number of students, taking up 62% of all EAS students admitted to such programmes among the three participating institutions. Wide Variety of Programmes Selected Of the 52 undergraduate programmes at CUHK, 41 programmes representing a wide range of disciplines including, for example, anthropology, law, mathematics, geography and resources management, and social work were selected by EAS applicants, showing that choices were based on personal interest. In particular, the physics programme attracted a large number of EAS applicants, with 10 students being admitted and the number of applications doubling that in 2008. In addition, the physics programme admitted, through the non-JUPAS EAS scheme, 13-year-old Kan Man-fung Kenneth Jr., who is the youngest student admitted to CUHK to date. Kenneth had attended the ‘Enrichment Programme for Physics Talent’ organized by the Department of Physics in 2007–08 for six formers. The perennial favourite amongst EAS applicants, the medicine programme attracted 139 EAS applications this year, the largest of any programme in the three participating institutions. However, due to the limited admission quota, the programme was able to admit only 55 students. For Wu Hiu-lok, a 10A-student admitted to the pharmacy programme, his choice was based on his interest in chemistry and the increasing recognition in Hong Kong of the importance of the discipline. He is concerned about the frequent medical incidents in Hong Kong and hopes that he will be able to contribute towards the local health care system when he graduates. He has great confidence in the pharmacy programme at CUHK which has an experienced teaching team and a well- established alumni network. Lo Ka-ying, who is admitted to the global business studies programme, is also a 10A-student. She finds the curriculum of the programme unique and interesting. She is also attracted by the opportunity to study in both the US and Denmark. Both Hiu-lok and Ka-ying are drawn to CUHK by the beautiful campus and the conducive learning atmosphere. From 13 July to 5 August, all successful EAS applicants who have accepted their admission offers will be attending the Joint University Programmes for EAS Students jointly organized by the three universities (CUHK, HKU and HKUST), which includes a variety of language, mathematics and general education courses. 中 大今年通過「優先錄取計劃」共錄取了一百 七十三名本港中六學生,約佔所有申請人的 41%。獲錄取者均為第一組別申請人(即以中大為第一 或第二志願者),考獲8A/5*或以上成績的,佔總錄取 人數的兩成,其中五人更考得10A/5*佳績。 商科課程續獲垂青 環球經濟飽受壓力,惟報讀商學院人數未見減少。環球 商業學收生成績非常理想,錄取的尖子平均會考成績 達9A。雖不少投資銀行業務放緩,或令考生對有關學 科有所猶豫,但保險、財務與精算學、風險管理科學等 課程反更獲垂青,以此等課程為首選的申請人數比去年 上升48%。至於尖子最嚮往的金融類課程,中大錄取的 尖子最多,佔三所參與計劃院校之金融類課程收生人 數的62%。 尖子選擇廣泛 中大開辦的五十二個本科課程中,獲尖子屬意的有四十 一個,廣及人類學、法律、數學、地理與資源管理學和 社會工作等,可見學生選科基本上以興趣為先。物理系 今年吸納尖子特別多(共十名),申請及獲錄取的人數 均比去年倍增,該系今年循非聯招拔尖計劃錄取了十三 歲的簡文鋒,是中大歷來錄取最年輕的學生。簡文鋒於 2007至08年度曾參加物理系為中六學生舉辦的「物理 英才精進課程」,鞏固了他對物理學的興趣。而一向最 受尖子歡迎的醫科,今年的報讀人數更是三所大學眾 多課程之中最高,達一百三十九人,佔尖子總數的33%。 但因名額有限,經面試後只能錄取五十五人。 以10A會考成績入讀藥劑系的胡曉樂,由於對化學興趣 濃厚,且覺得藥劑學會愈受重視,所以選擇此科。他有 感近來本港醫療事故頻生,希望學成後能為醫療體系 出力,令社會更重視藥物知識。中大藥劑系歷史悠久, 是香港最早開辦的藥劑課程,在師資及校友網絡方面 均有一定聲望,令他對這課程甚有信心。選讀環球商業 學的羅嘉瑩也是10A尖子,她認為這課程獨特有趣,又 可到美國及丹麥上課,放眼四海,增廣見聞。此外,優 美的校園、濃厚的學術氛圍都是兩位尖子選擇中大的 原因。 所有透過「優先錄取計劃」成功申請入學而接納錄取的 學生,須在7月13日至8月5日修讀由三所大學(中大、港 大及科大)合辦之銜接課程,內容涵蓋語文、數學及通 識等。 簡文鋒 Kan Man-fung Kenneth Jr. 羅嘉瑩 Lo Ka-ying 胡曉樂 Wu Hiu-lok