Bulletin Vol. 7 No. 3 Nov 1970

T H E C H I N E S E U N I V E R S I T Y O F H O N G K O N G T H E U N I V E R S I T Y BULLETIN VO L UME SEVEN NOVEMBER 1970 NUMBER THREE C O N T E N T S Page Eleventh Congregation 1 Visit of Overseas Council Members . . 4 Maryknoll and Jesuit Student Hostel, United College 5 New Council Members 5 University Grants Committee News . . 5 Members of Boards of Studies 1970-1971 5 Receptions for New Members o f CUHK 8 Vice-Chancellor Opens the Japan Publishing Exhibition 9 Staff Profiles 9 Comings and Goings 10 College News 10 E l e v e n t h C o n g r e g a t i on The Eleventh Congregation of the University was held on 16th October, 1970, and for the first time honorary degrees and other degrees were conferred at the same ceremony. After His Excellency the Chancellor, Si r David Trench, declared the Congregation open, Vice- Chancellor Choh-Ming L i presented the four eminent men for conferment of the degree of Doctor of Laws honoris causa, in recognition of their distinguished contribution to the advancement of learning and to the University. The Hon. Sidney Samuel Gordon, a n Unofficial Member of the Executive Council o f Hong Kong, has long been closely associated with the University by serving as a member of the University Council, Chairman of the Advisory Board of the Lingnan Institute of Business Administration, Chairman o f the Terms of Service Committee, and a member of the Finance Committee. Prof. Tsung-Dao Lee, Nobel Laureate of 1957 and Professor of Physics at Columbi a University, has served on this University's Advisor y Board on Natural Sciences since 1964. Prof. Choh-Hao Li, Professor of Biochemistry , Professor of Experimental Endocrinology, and Founder and Director of the Hormone Research Laboratory, University of California, has bee n a member of this University's Advisory Boar d on Natural Sciences since 1964. Mr. leoh-Ming Pei, an internationally famed architect, has given invaluable professional advice to this University on the plannin g and development of the new campus site. Prof. Tsung-Dao Lee addressed the Congregation on behalf of the Honorary Graduates , expounding how modern physics adopts a viewpoint that is in effect "the unification o f two cultures (East and West), which coincides with the spirit of The Chinese University of Hong Kong". (Prof. Lee's address and the citations are published in a special Supplement of The University Bulletin.) This year's 417 graduands were then presented to His Excellency the Chancellor for conferment of their degrees, which included 18 Master s of Arts, 3 Masters of Commerce, 111 Bachelors of Arts, 108 Bachelors of Science, 60 Bachelor s of Commerce, and 117 Bachelors of Social Science.