Table of Contents

FYP IK0801 iPhone Games I (Phase 2)

(Phase 1 | Phase 2)


iPhone Gaming



Prof. KING Kuo Chin, Irwin


Li Man Ho, Yu Tak Leung


Game development, excellent programming skills, Creative thinkinig.


iPhone, computer graphics, image processing, mini games

Project description

In this semester, we nearly design another game instead of continue to develop last semester game. Last semester we successfully build a 2D maze game with battle. But this semester we never satisfy with the 2D game. Therefore we implement it to a 3D game. With the technique that accumulate last semester, we change the base model of maze from 2D to 3D, this benefit to smooth the transition during the movement in the maze. Moreover, we change the game play a little bit. Instead of run through the maze and hunting monster, the new aim is to hunt the treasure in the multiple level maze. In the maze , there may be some trouble for passing one place to another. In this time, user may come to some mini games, to finish different target of mini game in order to continue run in the maze.

The mini game may different any times and different mini game may need different technique. This added an interest on the game. And with different requirement of mini game, different feature of iPhone may needed.

User Guide

The user guide gives guide to user how to play the game. And it also explain the screen item as well as some demonstrate how to play a mini game. It is recommended to read this before play the game.


WC Statistic

Sound Engine

  Lines   Words Characters
    38     113    1054 GBMusicTrack.h
    59     395    2693 SoundEffect.h
   201     840    6598 GBMusicTrack.m
    99     562    4020 SoundEffect.m
   397    1910   14365 total

3D Engine

  Lines   Words Characters
   489    1305   14057 CCMD2Model.cpp
    87     203    1585 CCSprite.cpp
    58      89     808 CCTexture.cpp
   236     561    6257 CCMD2Model.h
    36      83     617 CCSprite.h
    33      63     581 CCTexture.h
   115     636    4777 Texture2D.h
    95     262    2027 Vector3D.h
    17      47     348 Wrapper.h
  1166    3249   31057 total

Game Classes

  Lines   Words Characters
    32      65     591 Cross.h
    76     210    1830 EAGLView.h
    26      53     492 Level1_1.h
    26      53     473 Level1_2.h
    26      53     473 Level1_3.h
    29      57     529 Level1_4.h
    28      62     567 MiniGame.h
    71     168    1811 ModelControler.h
    33      69     696 RubiksCube.h
    28      55     466 WhacAMole.h
    22      48     396 _dMazeAppDelegate.h
    17      38     336 accelerometerDelegate.h
    28      75     681 imgControler.h
    16      36     267 template.h
   156     341    3782
   370     886   10285
   293    1097    8361
   242     991    6677
   210     886    5863
   312    1181    8934
    72     156    1470
   487    1023   10750
   205     509    5772
   101     236    2506
    39      73     694
    36     102    1073
    48     124    1011
    68     532    1920
  3097    9179   78706 total

Game screen

Week Week 1 Week 2
- -
Week Week 3&4 Week 5
3D Maze 3D Maze
Week Week 6-7 Week 8
3D Maze 3D Maze
3D Maze 3D Maze
Week Week 9 Week 10
Mini game Mini game
Mini game Mini game
Week Week 11 Week 12
Mini game -
Mini game -


Week2 FYP Review - Design the FYP schedule .
- Review the game design and features.
Week3 Sound - Background music.
- Effect sound
Week4 Complete Story - To complete the game story.
1. add a town screen.
2. item system.
3. level of maze.
3D maze implementation.
Week5 Complete Story - To complete the game story.
1. add a town screen.
2. item system.
3. level of maze.
3D maze implementation.
Week6 Complete Story - To complete the game story.
1. add a town screen.
2. item system.
3. level of maze.
Maze misc - “stage” task
Week7 Map Events - Event to trigger a mini game.
- mini apply more features of iphone - (multi-touch).
Maze misc - items
Week8 Map Events - Event to trigger a mini game.
- mini apply more features of iphone - (multi-touch & motion sensor).
Maze misc - level setting
Week9 Map Events - Event to trigger a mini game.
- mini apply more features of iphone - (motion sensor).
Week10 Map Editor(pending) - Try to implement map editor -
Week11 Map Editor(pending) - Try to implement map editor -
Week12 Appshop & Report - Put the game in App Store and prepare for the report. -
Week13 Appshop & Report - Bug fixing and improvement -
Week14 Appshop & Report - Bug fixing and improvement -


Week Content Source Status
Week2 1. Review the project.
2. Schedule planning.
- Sound implementation.
1. Background music.
2. Effect sounds.
Week3-Week4 1. Introduce background music.
2. introduce effect music.
3. MD2 model loader.
4. Introduce open source game basic APIs.
5. 3D model learning.
- 3D model creation by 3D Studio Max.
- 3D Studio Max texture mapping
- 3D Studio Max plugin MD2 exporter and texture exporter.
source DONE
- 1. Map control.
- import phase 1 stuff to new project.
- maze border bounding.
2. Texture Mapping
- continue to learn the 3D Max Texture mapping skills.
- Low quality of textures… - PROBLEMS
Week5 1. Implement the 3D maze border bounding.
2. Mini map migration.
3. Level change. (current stage two level available).
4. State bar
source DONE
1. Draw enemy models.
2. Draw levels
3. Implement Battle
Week6-7 1. Improve the texture display.
2. make the model more realistic
2. implement “stage” instead of battle. user need to complete a “stage” task to pass it.
source[unstable] DONE
- 1. Solve the unstable problem.
2. implement another “stage”.
3. Draw level
- 1. unstable object rendering. - PROBLEMS
Week8 1. Test on read device.
- adjust moving speed.
- refresh rate.
2. introduce trap event.
3. 3 new maps(with sky)
4. development map generator.
- 1. Map development.
2. Mini game development.
3. improve map generator.
Week9 1. Introduce two new mini games.
2. improve the map generator.
- 1. Add animations.
2. improve map generator.
Week10 1. Introduce particle system.
- fire particle.
- snow particle.
2. improve sense of menu buttons.
source DONE
- 1. Add animations.
2. improve map generator.
3. complete game flow.
Week11 1. Introduce in game tutorial.
- Introduce item system.
- System optimization.
source DONE
- 1. Handle memory leak.
2. complete game flow.
- 1. not enough memory to allocate for all resource in same time. - PROBLEM
Week?? 1. Complete story.
2. Preferment optimization.
3. Opening/Ending animation.
source DONE


Cocoa China iPhone Dev Center UVW Mapping