IK0602 Conference Management System


We are going to develop an online conference management system using PHP and MySQL. By developing the system, user will be allowed to manage academic activities systematically. Major functions of the system may include user registration, payment, paper review, publication, statistics, etc.

We decided not to develop our system by sketch but instead develop it by enhancing some existing open-source projects. The main reasons are as follows, - Developing a system from sketch is time consuming and error-prone. Since we have a very limited duration to develop our system, pick one from existing will save us tremendous efforts. Also, by studying the others work, we can learn many techniques and ways to develop a good system. - The focus of this project is to introduce new functionalities and enhancements to existing conference management system and look for the possibly to merge some new technologies (eg. Wiki or blog liked paper review and submission system, RSS, AJAX) into it so that the system can be more information/knowledge-oriented rather than data-oriented.

As we want our system to be information/knowledge-oriented, we would like our conference management system to be based on some other kind of system that emphasis on information/knowledge technologies. We hope the user of this system to be able to enjoy the easiness of information retrieval through the use of these technologies.

fyp/ik0602/1.abstract.txt · Last modified: 2006/09/28 21:22 (external edit)     Back to top