
This shows you the differences between two versions of the page.

confs:sidebar [2012/02/28 06:41]
confs:sidebar [2015/12/02 13:30] (current)
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/*  * [[:confs:list|Conference List]] */ /*  * [[:confs:list|Conference List]] */
 +====== 2015 ======
 +  * [[:confs:ies2015|IES 2015-Big Education]]
 +  * [[:confs:cuhk-mit2015|CUHK MIT 2015 eLearning and Big Data]]
 +  * [[:confs:nutn2015|NUTN 2015-Big Education]]
 +  * [[:confs:iwait2015|IWAIT 2015-Big Education]]
 +====== 2014 ======
 +  * [[:confs:fedcsis2014|FedCSIS 2014-Big Education]]
 +  * [[:confs:srs2014|Social Recommender Systems 2014]]
 +  * [[:confs:larc2014|Living Analytics LARC 2014]]
 +====== 2013 ======
 +  * [[:confs:amsl2013|AMS 2013]]
 +  * [[:confs:ccfadl2013|CCF ADL 2013]]
====== 2012 ====== ====== 2012 ======
 +  * [[:confs:iadis2012|2012 IADIS WWW/Internet]]
 +  * [[:confs:2012jejuworkshop|2012 Jeju Island Summer Workshop]]
 +  * [[:confs:kdd2012workshop|KDD2012 Workshop]]
  * WCCI2012 Tutorial   * WCCI2012 Tutorial
  * [[:confs:searchmeetup2012|Bay Area Search Meetup]]   * [[:confs:searchmeetup2012|Bay Area Search Meetup]]
confs/sidebar.1330382461.txt.gz · Last modified: 2012/02/28 06:41 by admin     Back to top