The Institute of Environment, Energy and Sustainability (IEES), established in 2011, aims to promote multidisciplinary environmental research and education for The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). Through integrating CUHK’s strengths of various cognate disciplines, IEES aspires to build synergy to address some of the most pressing issues confronting the long-term sustainability of human society. IEES endeavours to work in collaboration with industrial, government and non-government organisations as well as different community stakeholders to build a better environment for our future generations.
- To be a leading research institute in environment, energy and sustainability in the region.
- To help build a sustainable future for Hong Kong, China and our region through rigorous advanced research, education and knowledge transfer programmes.
- To build an image of CUHK as an environmentally conscious and friendly campus.
- To provide a platform for productive and innovative collaboration among scholars of different disciplines in pursuing world-class multi-disciplinary research in environment, energy and sustainability.
- To nurture gifted and budding scholars involved in environment, energy and sustainability studies.
- To actively engage in knowledge transfer in arousing awareness, guiding and leading the community in adopting sustainability initiatives for reducing carbon emission and ecological footprint.
- To educate the public, especially our future generations, on the importance of clean energy, environmental conservation and maintaining sustainability.
Environment and Sustainability as CUHK’s Strategic Area of Research
Environment and Sustainability is identified as one of the Four Strategic Areas of Research in CUHK Strategic Plan 2016–2020. The sustainable growth of our world in the future depends on the integration of environmental and socio-economic sustainability aided by advanced information and communication technology. The holistic approach to the sustainable development calls for the interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary effort that involves Smart Cities, Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security, Renewable Energy and Population Policy.
Learn more about how we work through Environment and Sustainability Research at CUHK.