Teng-fong WONG 黃庭芳 |
Research Professor |
Education: |
- PhD (Geophysics), MIT, 1981
- MS (Applied Mechanics), Harvard, 1976
- ScB (Applied Mathematics), Brown, 1973
Academic Employments: |
- 2020– present: Research Professor, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 2013 – 2019: Professor & Founding Director, Earth System Science Programme, Faculty of Science, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 1992 – 2015: Professor, 2004-2007: Chair, 1986-1992: Associate Professor, 1982-1986: Assistant Professor, Department of Geosciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook.
- 1981 – 1982: Postdoctoral associate, MIT
- 2013 – present: Invited Professor, State Key Laboratory of Earthquake Dynamics, Institute of Geology, China Earthquake Administration
Research Fields and Current Research Interests: |
- Experimental rock deformation
- Rock physics applied to energy resources
- Earthquake mechanics
- Environmental hydrogeology
Honours and Awards: |
- 2017: Fellow of American Geophysical Union.
- 2010: Louis Néel Medal of the European Geosciences Union (in the areas of rock magnetism, rock physics and geomaterials).
- 2003: SUNY Chancellor’s Award for Excellence in Scholarship and Creative Activities.
- 1986: Basic Research Award, The U.S. National Committee for Rock Mechanics
Teaching: |
- ESSC3010 Continuum Mechanics (2016-17)
- ESSC3100 Structural Geology (2016-17)
- ESSC3320 Hydrogeology (2016-17)
- ESSC4110 Engineering Geology and Applied Geophysics
- EASC5001 Introduction to Research in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences I (2016-17)
- ESSC3800 Global Environmental Change
- EASC5002 Introduction to Research in Earth & Atmospheric Sciences II
College Affiliation in CUHK: |
Professional Activities: |
- 2020 – present: Joint Research Schemes (Physical Sciences) panel, Hong Kong Research Grants Council
- 2016 – present: Vice-President, Rock Physics Committee, Chinese Geophysical Society
- 2009 – present: Editorial board, Earthquake Science
- 2013 – 18: Physical Sciences panel, HK Research Grants Council
- 2017 – 19: Grants review panel, National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program, U. S. Geological Survey
- 2004 – 2008: Advisory board, San Andreas Fault Observatory at Depth (SAFOD), EarthScope.
- 2006: Physical Sciences panel, HK UGC Research Assessment Exercise
- 2002: Chair, Physical Properties of Earth Materials Committee, American Geophysical Union
- 1989 – 1992: Associate editor, Journal of Geophysical Research
- 1988 – 2012: Visiting professorship at: ANU, MIT, ETH Zurich, USTC, ENS Paris, Strasbourg, CUHK
Selected Recent Publications: |
Complete publication list can be found in my Google Scholar profile.
- Tembe, S., D.A. Lockner, and T.-f. Wong, Constraints on the stress state of the San Andreas Fault with analysis based on core and cuttings from SAFOD drilling phases I and II, J. Geophys. Res., 114, B11401, doi:10.1029/2008JB005883, 2009.
- Zhu, W., P. Baud, and T.-f. Wong, Micromechanics of cataclastic pore collapse in limestone, J. Geophys. Res., 115, B04405, doi:10.1029/2009JB006610, 2010.
- Ji, Y., S.A.Hall, P. Baud, and T.-f. Wong, Characterization of pore structure and strain localization in Majella limestone by X-ray computed tomography and digital image correlation, Geophys. J. Int., 200, 699-717, 2015.
- Wong, T.-f., Anisotropic poroelasticity in a rock with cracks, J. Geophys.Res. Solid Earth, 122, 7739–7753, doi:10.1002/2017JB014315, 2017.
- Sun, W.C., and T.-f. Wong, Prediction of permeability and formation factor of sandstone with multiscale lattice Boltzmann/finite element simulation on microtomographic images, Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci., 106, 269-277, 2018.
- Meng, F., P. Baud, H. Ge, and T.-f. Wong, The effect of stress on limestone permeability and effective stress behavior of damaged samples, J. Geophys.Res. Solid Earth, 124, doi: 10.1029/2018JB016526, 2019.
- Huang, L., P. Baud, B. Cordonnier, F. Renard, L. Liu, and T.-f. Wong, Synchrotron X-ray imaging in 4D: Multiscale failure and compaction localization in triaxially compressed porous limestone, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 528, 115831, 2019.
- Jiang, G., X. Qiao, X. Wang, R. Lu, L. Liu, H. Yang, Y. Su, L. Song, B. Wang, and T.-f. Wong, GPS observed horizontal ground extension at the Hutubi (China) underground gas storage facility and its application to geomechanical modeling for induced seismicity, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 530, 115943, 2020.
- Meng, F., X. Li, P. Baud, and T.-f. Wong, Effective stress law for the permeability and pore volume change of clayey sandstones, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB019765. https://doi.org/10.1029/2020JB019765, 2020.
Books: |
- Paterson, M.S. and Wong, T.-f., Experimental Rock Deformation - The Brittle Field, 2nd Edition. Springer-Verlag, New York, 348 pp., 2005.
- 陈颙、黄庭芳、刘恩儒《岩石物理学》。合肥:中国科学技术大学出版社, 584 页, 2009. (Chen, Y., T.-f. Wong, and E. Liu, “Rock Physics”, USTC Press, Hefei, 584 pp, 2009.)
Patents: |
- Smith, C., R. Paulsen, and T.-f. Wong, Ultrasonic Seepage Meter, U.S. Patents 6,874,371 (4/5/2005); 7,107,859 (9/19/2006)
Research Grants: |
- 3D cracking behavior of rocks under true triaxial stress conditions: Mechanistic modeling and investigations, RGC/GRF (co-I).
- Investigation of characteristics and mechanism of earthquakes associated with the Hutubi gas reservoir, NSFC/RGC joint scheme.
- Experimental and digital rock physics in relation to hydraulic and electrical transport properties of porous sandstone, RGC/GRF.
- Effective stress laws for fluid flow and deformation of limestone as a dual porosity medium, RGC/GRF.
- Failure Mode, strain localization and permeability evolution in volcanic rock, PROCORE – France/Hong Kong Research Scheme.
- Permeability of carbonate rocks: From petrophysical measurements to 3D digital rock physics and back, PROCORE – France/Hong Kong Research Scheme.
- Source characteristics of induced earthquakes associated with shale gas production in Weiyuan, Sichuan, NSFC/RGC joint scheme (co-I).
- Towards a multiscale understanding of compaction localisation in highly porous sandstone based on a hierarchical multiscale modelling approach, RGC/GRF (co-I).