Endoscopy Attachment Programme

The Institute of Digestive Disease (IDD) provides high-quality training in diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy through the Endoscopy Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital. There are 2 training modes currently in this Attachment Programme.

  • Clinical Attachment Programme
    This 6 to 12 months clinical attachment offers the opportunity for clinicians with a specific interest in luminal GI diseases to participate in comprehensive research of digestive ulcer bleeding, gastrointestinal tumours (colorectal cancer and gastric cancer) or inflammatory bowel disease. Visiting doctors will join teaching ward rounds, journal clubs and research meetings and specialist outpatients. They will also engage in various endoscopic procedures according to their level of experience and learning objectives.
  • Non-clinical Fellowship Programme
    This 1 to 3 months basic fellowship programme offers the opportunity to observe diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy through the Shaw Endoscopy Centre at the Prince of Wales Hospital. Visiting doctors will have the chance to work with both medical and surgical gastroenterologists to achieve a well-rounded endoscopy training experience.

How to Apply

For applying for the Clinical Attachment Programme, please go through STEPS 1 and 2.
For applying for the Non-clinical Fellowship Programme, please complete STEP 2 only.

STEP 1: Download and complete the application form.
STEP 2: Send the completed form, together with the following required supporting documents to idd_info@cuhk.edu.hk

  1. A CV in English
  2. Recommendation letter from the unit head/chief of services
  3. Copies of academic certificates and transcripts and relevant professional qualifications
  4. Copy of the travel document

Result Notification

Applicants will receive an acknowledgement of the application results via email. Successful candidates will receive a letter of appointment from the Human Resources Office of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.


Upon the completion of the programme, candidates will obtain a Certificate in Endoscopy Attachment Programme / Advanced Endoscopy Attachment Programme by the Institute of Digestive Disease of The Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Accommodation and cost of living

No stipend is available for this programme. Candidates are responsible for all the expenses during their stay here at their own cost. Candidates can check out the Cost of Living in Hong Kong here for reference. We are also able to provide a list of contact of the partnered hotels nearby by the training location.


All applicants should have obtained the degrees of M.B., Ch.B., or equivalent
Applicants applying for Clinical Attachment Programme should also have at least 2 years of clinical experience in the current institution/hospital.

Application Time Frame

The Assessment Board selects candidates based on the information provided in the application form, academic and professional qualifications and work experience. The board meeting is held at least 2 times a year. After being accepted by the Assessment Board, please allow at least 2 months before your visit for visa application.

Application for Limited Registration

For overseas doctors, application for a Limited Registration via the Medical Council of Hong Kong is required before clinical and patient interaction. The application process usually takes around 6 to 8 weeks upon receiving all the necessary documents.

Application for Training Visa

Non‐local candidates who do not have any valid visa/entry permit to receive training in the HKSAR are required to apply for a training visa. The application usually takes 4 to 6 weeks to process upon receipt of all requisite documents. A training visa allows applicants to stay up to 12 months, and no extension will be granted. We assist candidates in applying for the training visa upon receiving the signed letter of appointment.