Education Journal

Development of Prevocational Education Policy and Curriculum During the Last Quarter-Century

1990.第18卷第2期(Vol. 18 No. 2).pp. 179–184


Development of Prevocational Education Policy and Curriculum During the Last Quarter-Century


Benjamin Yeuk-Man CHAN(陳若敏)


This is basically a historical sketch of the development of the prevocational school from its earlier years to the present. The paper briefly introduces issues relevant to prevocational and vocational education and then traces the events which led to the formulation of government policies related to the prevocational school. The central theme of the paper is that prevocational education in Hong Kong is providing a viable option for some students who are academically-less able, but it does not restrict their chances for higher education. At the same time it raises questions on the future structure of matriculation classes in the prevocational school, and on the possible merging of the prevocational schools with the secondary technical schools. The paper has drawn on public as well as internal documents available.

