Journal of Basic Education


1997.第7卷第1期(Vol. 7 No. 1).pp. 115–138


A Preliminary Comparative Analysis of the Chinese Language Syllabuses for Primary Schools Adopted by Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan

唐美蘭、黃顯華、關伯強、曾錫文(Mei-Lan TANG, Hin-Wah WONG, Pak-Keong KWAN, & Sik-Man TSANG)




A syllabus is the blueprint of school education. In this paper, the author attempts to analyze the contents of three curriculum documents, respectively the Chinese Language Syllabus for Primary Schools written in 1990 by the Curriculum Development Council, the Standard for Chinese Language Program in National Primary Schools published in 1993 by the Education Department of Taiwan, and the Chinese Language Curriculum for Obligatory Full-day Primary Schools being tried out since its publication in 1992 by the Fundamental Education Division, the Education Committee of the PRC government. In order to achieve a comprehensive comparative analysis of the primary Chinese Language Syllabuses from the three places, viz. Chinese Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan, a detailed description is discussed with respect to target of teaching, choice of pedagogical tools (teaching material), organization of the chosen pedagogical tools (teaching material), suggestions for the methodology of teaching, suggestions for assessment of students' learning, duration and capacity of teaching, etc. The result of the analysis is hoped to shed light on the hidden problems of the Hong Kong Syllabus and to see if we can benefit from our neighbouring places' efforts on curriculum planning.