Asian Journal of Counselling

The Construction of a Process-Change Model of Unmet Expectations Based on the Satir Model

2001.第8卷第1期(Vol. 8 No. 1).pp. 5–34

The Construction of a Process-Change Model of Unmet Expectations Based on the Satir Model


Ping-Hwa CHEN, Shiu-Ling TSAI, & Nei-Hwa LAI(陳秉華、蔡秀玲、賴念華)


The purpose of this study is to identify the components in the process of change, and to construct a working model for those Chinese/Taiwanese clients who suffer from unmet expectations. The discovery-oriented, event-based task analysis research approach was adopted. John Banmen, a senior Satirean therapist and trainer, first developed the rational model. In this study, Banmen and two Taiwanese females served as counselors. Eight Taiwanese clients recruited from three different sources received one-session brief counseling. The entire counseling sessions were taped and transcribed verbatim for data analysis. Two judges were asked to identify the steps and the components related to the unmet expectations in the process of change. The rational model was compared with the actual observed counseling procedures. Successful and unsuccessful counseling sessions were also compared in order to identify the possible necessary components of change. A refined model was suggested after the analysis. Discussions and limitations of the study were addressed at the end.


本研究的目的是針對受困於未滿足期待的台灣案主,探究在改變歷程中的元件,並由此建構一個諮商工作模式。研究者進行研究時所採用的是發現式、以事件為主的工作分析研究取向。有關改變未滿足期待的諮商理念模式,最初由資深的薩提爾模式治療師John Banmen提出。在本研究中,John Banmen與兩位台灣女性諮商人員擔任諮商師;透過三種不同的管道,共得到八位受困於未滿足期待的台灣案主。每位案主都接受了一次短期諮商,而整個諮商過程都進行了錄影或錄音,並且轉謄為逐字稿作為分析之用。兩位評量人員針對諮商過程,判斷與改變有關的元件和步驟。研究者比較本研究的結果與理念模式之間的差異,也比較成功與不成功的諮商歷程,以期發現可能與改變有關的關鍵元件。研究者根據以上的分析結果,提出了經修正的諮商工作模式。對研究結果的限制,文末亦有所討論。