2005.第20卷第2期(Vol. 20 No. 2).pp. 265287
Curriculum Advisory Bodies in Hong Kong: Structure, Characteristics and Critique
霍秉坤(Ping-Kwan FOK)
In June 2001 the Hong Kong Curriculum Development Council issued Learning to Learn: The Way Forward in Curriculum Development, which proposed numerous items for reform. These items included overall aims of school curriculum, specific measures, assessment for learning, teaching strategies, school culture, etc., which could be regarded as a curriculum reform with tremendous changes. However, curriculum is a practical issue with teachers performing a crucial role in its implementation. In the processes of curriculum decision and implementation, to consult various parties, especially teachers, is important to the success of the reforms. This article is divided into three parts to illustrate that there is still room for improvement in this respect. First is to briefly describe the advisory committees in Hong Kong curriculum development. Second is to discuss the characteristics of curriculum development in Hong Kong. Finally, a critical analysis is made. The author stresses that the ways for improving the effectiveness of curriculum advisory bodies are yet to be confirmed; more studies need to be done on this issue.