Educational Research Journal

What Are the Chances of Success for My Project? And, What If It Was Already Done? Using Meta-Analyzed Effect Sizes to Inform Project Decision-Making

2010.第25卷第1期(Vol. 25 No. 1).pp. 13–25

What Are the Chances of Success for My Project? And, What If It Was Already Done? Using Meta-Analyzed Effect Sizes to Inform Project Decision-Making

Kay-Cheng SOH


Action research projects have been used as a means of innovations in curriculum and in-service professional up-grading of teachers. Many instructional innovations of the Western world are being replicated in Asian’s education systems often without due consideration of success rates. As such endeavour consumes much time and other resources, it would be prudent that account be taken of success rates based on the Western experiences. This paper suggests using meta-analyzed effect sizes hitherto available for (1) making pre-project decisions as to whether a project is worth trying in view of the relevant past experiences, and (2) evaluating a project effect, post hoc, vis-à-vis the average effect size available for similar projects for a contextualized interpretation. Examples and information for doing these are given. Relevant conceptual issues are discussed.

Keywords: meta-analysis; action research; curriculum innovation

