1995.第23卷第1期(Vol. 23 No. 1).pp. 93113
Responses of Education and Training Systems to Labor Quality Demands: Comparisons between Germany, Sweden, Singapore, and Hong Kong
Faced with the intense globalization of world markets and acceleration in deployment of high-technologies, many industrialized nations are reviewing and reforming their education and training provisions. The engine driving these reforms stems from the economic necessity, particularly as South East Asian and the Far East New Industrialized Countries vie for the increasing share of the global trade (Anon 1, 1994; Anon 2, 1994). This paper examines firstly, the role of government in the provision of education and training. Secondly, it analyses the systems of post-secondary education and training provision, in the context of labor quality needs between Germany, Sweden, Singapore, and Hong Kong. Finally, it examines the commonalties of education and training systems between Germany, Sweden, Singapore, and Hong Kong.