Gratitude Interventions: Beyond Stress Debriefing and Survivor Therapy in the Aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake
2008.第23卷第2期(Vol. 23 No. 2).pp. 163178
Gratitude Interventions: Beyond Stress Debriefing and Survivor Therapy in the Aftermath of the Sichuan Earthquake
David W. CHAN(陳維鄂)
Gratitude interventions were introduced as a viable option in the treatment of choice for the long-term caring of surviving schoolchildren in the aftermath of the Sichuan earthquake. Support for this contention was considered through an overview of the conceptualization and assessment of gratitude, the research on the cultivation and practice of gratitude, and the suitability of the application of gratitude interventions in the Chinese cultural context. The call for research on the effectiveness of gratitude interventions for Chinese schoolchildren in the aftermath of disaster is emphasized.
Keywords: gratitude; intervention; disaster; Chinese