
Counselor Competence and the Ethical Practice of Counseling in Korea

2003.第10卷第1期(Vol. 10 No. 1).pp. 51–70

Counselor Competence and the Ethical Practice of Counseling in Korea


Younnjung GONG(孔允貞)


This article reviews the education and practice of ethics in the counseling profession in Korea. It was found that ethics is often a part of other subjects rather than a separate subject in the training programs of counseling in Korea. When training counselors on ethical issues, the ethical guidelines used are adapted from either the American Psychological Association or the American Counseling Association. Recently, there are improvements of ethics training in the counseling profession. These include the establishment of the Code of Ethics for counselors by the Korean Counseling Association, and the inclusion of ethics class in a graduate program. This article also explores the difficulties in dealing with situations of ethical violations as related to the Korean culture, and suggests strategies to improve counselors’ ability to handle such situations. Finally, the issue of counselor competence is explained in detail, as it is directly related to the protection of clients from potential harm. How to measure and maintain counselor competence is examined. The current system of counselor certification in Korea is described. Ways to improve the education and practice of ethics in the counseling profession in Korea are suggested.

