
Effects of Hypermedia Authoring on Primary Students' Creative Thinking

2003.第12卷第2期(Vol. 12 No. 2).pp. 13–28

Effects of Hypermedia Authoring on Primary Students’ Creative Thinking


Choi-Man CHUNG & Yvonne Lai-Chun YUEN(鍾財文、袁麗珍)


The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of gender difference on students' creativity when they were trained and used hypermedia authoring in completing a project. Students' performance in the popular Wallach-Kogan Creativity Test was measured before and after the training. The participants were 124 Grade 5 students from a Hong Kong primary school. No significant difference in the posttest and pretest between two sexes was found. The sex by type of question interaction effect was also not significant. Greater improvement was found for fluency and similarities than for the other types of questions. As for the flexibility and uncommonness, the improvement in pattern meanings and line meanings were greater. In the subscale of uniqueness, alternate uses improved much more than the others. It was pleasantly interesting to find a significant effect due to treatment showing an improvement in creativity after the training. The study suggests that information technology such as hypermedia authoring can be integrated into the current computer study curriculum to allow students' construction of their own knowledge and enhance subsequently improving their creativity.

