

1992.第20卷第2期(Vol. 20 No. 2).pp. 101–111



Relation Between Medium of Instruction and Instructional Activities in Junior Secondary Level

麥思源、蕭炳基(Se-Yuen MAK & Ping-Kee SIU)


本研究利用錄影帶,比較及分析七所原為英文中學,但於八零年代末期把部份或全部科目改用母語授課(實驗組),和另外七所水平大致匹配的英文中學(控制組)在初中的語文科和兩個社會學科的授課用語模式、教學次常序時間分配和教學活動的分別;並檢討三者之間的互相關係和討論這些分別給教學界的一些啟發,研究的結果顯示:(一)兩組中文科的教學活動並無顯著分別,(二)實驗組學生的英語水平,平均比控制組為低,(三)英文科老師的英文水平和教學技巧,對學生英語水平的影響,比其他科目是否用英文授課更為重要,(四)有需要在初中培訓更多英文科老師,配合母語教學的推行及其他各方面的需求,(五)學能水平平均達Band 2的中三學生,仍然未能有效地使用英語,學習各社會學科,(六)老師改用母語授課,未有遇到嚴重的適應困難。


In this article, we compare and analyse the differences in the medium of instruction and the structure of classroom lessons using 4 subjects (Chinese, English, History and Geography)in junior secondary level. Schools in the experiment group made a change in the medium of instruction in some subjects from English to Chinese recently. The control school is a group of Anglo-Chinese school of slightly higher ability. The result of this research shows that (1) There is no significant difference between two groups in instructional activities in Chinese lessons. (2) The standard of English of the experimental group is lower than that of the control group in the same Form level. (3) The level of competence in using English and the teaching skill of English teachers is the most important factor in developing pupils' English skills. (4) There is an urgent need to train more English teachers to meet various demands. (5) F3 students in the 'band 2' level are still not adequately prepared to learn humanity subjects effectively using English. (6) Teachers in experimental schools do not encounter much difficulty in adopting Chinese as the medium of instruction.