2004.第13卷第2期(Vol. 13 No. 2).pp. 5978
The Hermeneutics of Teaching and Lesson Conferencing
Derek SANKEY(申德澤)
Student teachers on field experience may sometimes be bemused by the kind of lesson feedback they receive from school mentors and supervisors, especially when it seems to miss the target of their real concerns, or when mentors and supervisors provide conflicting advice. This paper argues that both teaching and lesson conferencing should be viewed as essentially hermeneutic. Hermeneutic theory, particularly as found in the work of Hans-Georg Gadamer, provides student teachers, mentors and supervisors with a framework, for observing teaching and discussing lessons when lesson conferencing. It views conferencing as a mutually beneficial professional conversation that enhances the professional development of all who participate, the student teacher, mentor and supervisor.
在教學實習的過程中,教學啟導教師和導師會向實習教師提供回饋和意見。面對這些回饋和意見,實習教師有時會感到混淆,尤其當他們認為意見搔不著癢處,或是教學啟導教師和導師各持己見,令他們無所適從。本文作者認為教學及課前課後會議本質上宜視為一個詮釋過程。詮釋理論,特別是加達默爾(Hans-Georg Gadamer)的觀點,可為實習教師、教學啟導教師和導師提供一個框架,指引觀課及課前課後會議的方向,令會談成為彼此都受益的專業對話,促進參與各方的專業成長。