1994.第3卷第1及2期(Vol. 3 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 95106
Counselling Assessment: A Case Study Based On Cognitive Approach
輔導評估 ── 一個個案研究
The initial interviews with a client are used, in general, for assessing the prevailing problems that the client is having. In doing so, what the client expects from counselling will be identified. At the same time, the counsellor also evaluates whether he is suitable to accept the case. For the case study presented in this paper, the whole counselling process followed the rationale of cognitive therapy. After the initial observations, it was found that the client was suffering the disorders of depression and anxiety, which were related to a "rebellious" character, work failures, unsatisfactory family relations, and harassment by the parents. The symptoms associated with the disorders were conspicuous; the one causing very severe malfunction appeared to be the mind blanking. Procedures were tentatively scrutinized to help the client reduce the anxiety, restore self-confidence, and hence subsequently get rid of the mind blanking and the "black shadow of fear".
一般來說,初次與當事人面談是要評估其存在的困難,找出當事人對輔導的期望。同時,輔導員也可判斷自己是否適合處理這宗個案。文中的個案研究,整個輔導過程是依從認知治療法的原理。從初次面談的觀察,當事人正受抑鬱和驚恐的情緒困擾,這等情緒與當事人的反叛性格、工作失敗、家庭不和及父母的騷擾有關。 當事人的病癥是十分明顯的,其中引致最嚴重失調的要算是思想空白一片。初步治療是幫助當事人減低焦慮,重建信心,繼而消除其‘思想空白’及‘恐懼的黑影’。