2009.第16卷第2期(Vol. 16 No. 2).pp. 171191
A Perspective on Career Counselling in Japan
Agnes M. WATANABE-MURAOKA, Rie MICHITANI, & Masaki OKADA(渡邊三枝子、道谷里英、岡田昌毅)
As a result of internationalization, globalization, and a demographic change of population, Japanese people have been forced to equip themselves with competencies for adapting to a transition from traditional to post-modern employment conditions. In situations of rapid change such as these, it is widely recognized that the services of well-trained career counsellors and practitioners are urgently needed.
The purpose of this article is to outline the issues relevant to the professionalization of career counselling practitioners who are expected to acquire key competencies to help individuals develop and maintain their careers across the lifespan. The authors also present a brief history of the evolution of career practitioners in Japan, and a brief analysis of groups of workers who need such professional help.