2009.第16卷第1期(Vol. 16 No. 1).pp. 6788
Issues in Integrating Trauma Curriculum into a Graduate Counseling Psychology Program
Susan H. GERE, Priscilla DASS-BRAILSFORD, & Lisa Tsoi HOSHMAND(蔡茘生)
Contemporary graduate training in counseling demands an increased focus on understanding and intervening in the many recognized forms of posttraumatic reactions. From natural disasters to human violence inflicted on a domestic, national, and international scale, traumatic events are currently understood to be normative rather than outside the range of usual human experience. Thus, understanding posttraumatic experience is important for general counseling practitioners as well as for trauma specialists. However, there have been relatively few attempts to integrate several decades of clinical trauma research and interventions into counselor training programs. This article describes the values, structure, and methods associated with trauma training within a graduate counseling program. It also describes some of the necessary general educational factors that support students who engage with this difficult material.