

2001.第29卷第1期(Vol. 29 No. 1).pp. 71–96



A Study of the Cantonese Pronunciation of the Secondary School Students in Hong Kong

陳雄根、何杏楓(Hung-Kan CHAN & Carole Hang-Fung HOYAN)


近年,本港政府大力推行母語教育,但中學生的母語──粵語發音,仍然存在着若干問題。一九九九年六、七月間,我們訪問了五間中學共二百名學生,調查他們粵語發音的問題。結果顯示:在聲母方面,學生的毛病是:n- 聲母字誤讀為 l- 聲母,ŋ- 聲母和 0- 聲母混讀,kw- 聲母字誤讀為 k- 聲母,ts-、ts'-、s- 聲母發音不準。韻母方面,學生多將 -ŋ 韻尾字讀成 -n 韻尾, ŋ 鼻韻讀成 m。文讀與白讀方面,學生在平時朗讀,文白混雜的現象非常普遍,而且白讀還成強勢。本調與變調方面,學生又多將本調讀成變調。本文又嘗試探討學生粵語發音錯誤的原因,提出改善的辦法,以為本港母語教學之資。


Despite the implementation of mother-tongue teaching in recent years, the Cantonese pronunciation of Hong Kong students still awaits improvement. During June to July 1999, we carried out a research on the Cantonese pronunciation of Hong Kong secondary school students and interviewed around 200 students in 5 secondary schools. The result shows the followings: with regard to the articulation of initials, students usually mistake 1- for n-, ŋ- for 0-, and k- for kw-. The initials ts-, ts'- and s- are always mispronounced. With regard to the articulation of finals, -n is usually mistaken for -ŋ, and m for ŋ. With regard to literary and colloquial pronunciation, there is a tendency in mixing up the two, and colloquial pronunciation is usually adopted in reading. With regard to the original tone and the modified tone, the modified one is usually adopted. This essay investigates the reasons behind the pronunciation problem among Hong Kong students and suggests ways for improvement.