2020.第48卷第2期(Vol. 48 No. 2).pp. 61–81
The Influences of Integrating Information Technology into Discussion-based Concept Cartoons on 5th Graders’ Mathematics Learning
Tzu-Hua HUANG & Tzu-Ying LI(黃思華、李姿瑩)
This study established a cartoon-based mathematics concept learning system. It examined the effect of three different teaching modules, discussion-based concept cartoons (n = 29), teacher-oriented concept cartoons (n = 26), and worksheet teaching (n = 23), on the mathematics achievement of fifth graders in Taiwan. Two groups of students used computers to learn mathematics with concept cartoons, and the other one used a worksheet. It was found that the group using discussion-based concept cartoons performed significantly better than the other two groups, and students taught with discussion-based concept cartoons with computers achieved better performance than those taught with the conventional method.
Keywords: concept cartoon; discussion-based learning; mathematics achievement; computer-assisted instruction
本研究建置了一套討論式概念卡通的數學概念學習系統,探討三種不同教學模組,即討論式概念卡通教學(n = 29)、教師導向式概念卡通教學(n = 26)和學習單教學(n = 23),對台灣五年級學生數學學習成效的影響。兩組使用電腦操作概念卡通學習教學,另一組使用學習單教學。研究結果顯示,使用討論式概念卡通的組別,其數學學習成效顯著優於另外兩組;而且,使用電腦進行概念卡通教學的學生,其表現顯著優於傳統教學。