2012.第19卷第1及2期(Vol. 19 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 115125
Advancing Career Centers in Higher Education: Contextual and Strategic Considerations
Raysen CHEUNG(張偉良)
Career centers in higher education are also known as career resource centers (Herr, Cramer, & Niles, 2004). Subsequent to their initial establishment in the West, they are undergoing changes and evolution in different parts of the world. In this special issue about “career centers,” contributors in the United States, South Korea and Hong Kong have provided insightful discussion about developing and delivering career services in the university campus. In response to the contributors, I have discussed themes identified from the different invited papers, which concern both the contextual and strategic aspects of designing and running a career center. Implications were drawn on how career service professionals in higher education can play a proactive role in both responding to social demands, as well as developing strategic service directions within respective institutions.
Keywords: career development; career center; higher education; student development
高等教育機構中的職業生涯中心亦稱為職業資源中心(Herr, Cramer, & Niles, 2004),最早成立於西方,其後在世界各地不斷演變和發展。本專輯主題為職業生涯中心,來自美國、南韓及香港的作者就高校開展和提供職業生涯服務作出了討論,並提出了洞見。本文回應各特邀文章,總結其共同主題,從社會背景及策略取向兩方面探討如何設計及營運一所職業生涯中心。文章並指出,各地從事生涯發展的專業人士,可以在回應社會需求及發展校內服務策略方靣,發揮積極主動的角色。