2001.第8卷第1期(Vol. 8 No. 1).pp. 6985
Reframing Student Counseling from the Multiple-Intelligences Perspective: Integrating Talent Development and Personal Growth
David W. CHAN(陳維鄂)
The theory of multiple intelligences proposed by Gardner (1983, 1993, 1999) and its applications in learning, teaching, curriculum and assessment are briefly described. Counseling through multiple intelligences, as one of its potential applications, is suggested as an avenue to achieve the integration of talent development and personal growth in students. The three-stage model of counseling process in exploration, understanding, and action is reframed in relation to engaging student and teacher's multiple intelligences, highlighting the importance of personal intelligences throughout the stages of counseling process. Implications of this reframing for the use of creative arts in counseling and counselor training are discussed.
本文簡單介紹了Gardner(1983, 1993, 1999)的多元智能理論,以及該理論在教學、課程和評鑑等各方面的應用。多元智能理論其中一個可行的應用範疇,就是透過多元智能進行輔導,務求有效地結合學生的才能發展與個人成長。本文在注入學生和教師的多元智能因素,並強調個人智能在各個輔導階段的重要性的基礎上,重新演繹輔導過程的三個階段──探索、了解與行動,且據此討論了從創作藝術的角度進行輔導和培訓輔導員的意義。