2001.第8卷第1期(Vol. 8 No. 1).pp. 3560
The Effects of Counseling Styles and Stages on Perceived Counselor Effectiveness from Taiwanese Female University Clients
Yii-Nii LIN(林旖旎)
The effects of counseling styles (Problem-Solving Counseling [PSC], Client-Centered Counseling [CCC], and Relationship-Centered Counseling [RCC]) and stages (beginning, working, and ending) on Taiwanese female university students, and perceived counselor effectiveness were examined with a 3 × 3 mixed-subjects design. The styles and stages of counseling serve as the independent variables, and the perceived counselor effectiveness measured by the Counselor Rating Form-Short Version (CRF-S) serves as the dependent variable. The Social Influence Theory (Strong, 1968) and its derivative, the Similarity Theory (Simons, Berkowitz, & Moyer, 1970), serve as the theoretical framework of this study. Significant interaction effect was found between counseling styles and stages. The result indicated that RCC at the working stage was perceived as more effective than the same style at the beginning or ending stage, and RCC was even more effective than either CCC or PSC across all three stages of counseling. The findings supported the positive potential of RCC in counseling Taiwanese female university clients, particularly at the working stage of counseling. Finally, research, training, and practice implications for counseling professionals were discussed.
本研究的目的在於探討並比較心理諮商師分別使用三種不同的心理諮商型態(個案中心、關係中心、問題解決),為三組女大學生(每組十位)進行六至十二次的個別心理諮商後,接受諮商的女大學生分別於三個心理諮商階段(起始階段、工作階段、結束階段)對諮商師有效度所作的評估。本研究採3 × 3混合雙因子因素分析為統計分析方法,以諮商型態與諮商階段為自變項,諮商師有效度評量表的分數為依變項。「社會影響力理論」(Strong, 1968)與「相似理論」(Simons, Berkowitz, & Moyer, 1970)為本研究的理論架構。研究結果顯示兩自變項間呈現顯著的交互作用,而進一步分析顯示,諮商師於諮商的工作階段使用關係中心諮商型態進行心理諮商,較諮商師於諮商的起始階段與結束階段,和較其餘兩種諮商型態分別於三個諮商階段更為有效。此結果暗示,針對台灣女大學生個案,心理諮商師於諮商的工作階段可以多應用關係中心諮商型態進行治療。本文最後亦討論了與本研究相關的臨床意義、教育訓練和未來研究等議題。