2002.第9卷第1及2期(Vol. 9 Nos. 1 & 2).pp. 4968
Indigenous Counseling in the Chinese Cultural Context: Experience Transformed Model
Florence Hiu-Ha CHONG & Hung-Yi LIU(莊曉霞、劉弘毅)
This article argues that indigenous Chinese counseling must provide culturally relevant therapy. Chinese clients’ expectations of directive, goal-oriented, time-limited and pragmatic counseling, their particular form of expressing emotions, and their needs of particular counseling relationships have reframed the counseling process in cultural context. For this, the Experience Transformed Model, an open dynamic model that conflates the tempo-spatial framework and cultural demands with contemporary counseling ideas, is raised. The model suggests that counseling Chinese clients needs to focus on their life and social practice so as to achieve harmony and balance between individuals, in-group, society, and the universe. Therefore, an indigenous counseling needs to readjust the counseling relationship and rearrange counseling stages.